End Time Message

An overview of the Seven Seals as preached by William Marrion Branham in March 1963

The Book of Redemption is the finished Book of Life and Lamb's Book of Life which contains the names of the redeemed of all ages. In God's foreknowledge it was written from the foundation of the world. Daniel and John were told it would be sealed unto the time of the end, or the conclusion of Christ's mediation.

The Holy Spirit is a Seal and It signifies a finished work. A life lived by the Word is the Word expressed. The redeemed are individually written epistles of the Word for THEIR day, sealed with the Book unto redemption.

The Book is the Word. It is Christ in the Form of paper and ink. And the saints of all Seven Ages are sealed into Christ by the Holy Spirit.

And when the Seventh Seal is broken, the mystery of God is finished -- WHO was sealed during Christ's mediation, and HOW they were sealed in each of Seven Church Ages. This restored the Fullness of the Word and identifies and separates the true from the false church through the Ages as Christ promised in the parable of the wheat and the tares.

Also ReadThe Seventh Seal By Owen Jorgensen pdf

Also Read the entire Oridginal Seven Seals Series  pdf

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