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End Time Message

Sun, Jul 28, 2024

Oneness with God Pt.4

Duration:1 hr 31 mins 53 secs

Oneness with God Pt.4


PSALM 145:15-16

     15   The eyes of all wait upon thee (This is your eyes of understanding – we are all waiting to receive more understanding from the only one who is the fountain of all knowledge and understanding); and thou givest them their meat (meat is food – this is spiritual food of revealed truth) in due season.   

16   Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

If you want your desire to be satisfied, then the bible tells us that a man does not live by eating natural food alone, but his life is also dependent on the word of God that God reveals to him for the season that he is living in.

DEUTERONOMY 8:3…man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.

And there is nothing greater than life – and so there is nothing greater than the word of life.

On the Sunday evening of the 18th of July 1965, Brother Branham preaches a message called “Spiritual Food in Due Season”, and his opening scripture is from 1st Kings the 17th chapter (about Elijah in the time famine, and of how God fed him in a season where others were starving for food.


I KINGS 17:1-6

     1     ¶ And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

     2   And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying,

     3   Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

     4   And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. (His life is being sustained in a time of famine and death)

     5   So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

     6   And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.


Oneness with God Pt.4

The more we look at this subject, the greater it becomes – the Roman candle that keeps expanding greater and greater.



     23     ¶ A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!

This word “season” refers to “the opportune time”, or “a seasonable time” “the right time”, because there can be a right time to say certain things, and a wrong time to say certain things, just like there is a right time to plant certain seeds, and a wrong time to plant certain seeds.

And so if the word of God is a seed that a Sower sowed, then God knows that there is a right time, and a right stage of your life for certain truths of His word to be opened up to your understanding.

*You would never try to teach a two-year-old child complicated algebra, because it’s simply not the right time and season of his or her life – it would be a waste of time and effort, and could even do damage to the child.

**As believers of the end time message, we believe that we are now living in an age (by the opening of the seven seals), where we have been given full access back to the thoughts of God again.

The title deed that was once lost to man has now been given back into his possession again – and so this is the season of which we know that God has restored the fullness of His word of our relationship with God back to us again – that is our legal state.

*And this is all for the purpose so that an “invisible union” of a “oneness” can be fully realized between the spirit of God (the spirit of the word) and the individual.

**And what that looks like in your life, is that this spiritual food of the revealing of the word - that there will be a continual revealing of the truth of the word of God to you as the seasons of your life move on and on.

**This is what God did on a church age level with seven church ages – life depended on the people moving on with the light of the word as it unfolded greater and greater – so this is showing us what eternal life actually looks like.

***What caused death was when the church ceased to walk in harmony with the light of the word as it unveiled itself greater in the next season of which God would open more truth.

*So life is directly connected with the continuation of the unfolding of the revelation of the word of God (spiritual food), and this was what the relationship of Adam looked like with God before the fall - before he was cut off from that level of fellowship with God.

*But in this hour, the marriage of the Lamb is come because of a way that has been opened up to us, and we find ourselves (as the bride of Christ) back in that literal relationship with God again.

***So it’s not like a one off experience that happens to you fast and all at once, it is an ongoing and continual walking with the Almighty in the everlasting unveiling of His words of truth.

*There are stories within stories…

The different characters of the animal kingdom reveals the different characters traits of man – it takes all the different natures of the animal kingdom to reveal the full nature of man, and the perfect nature of man reflects the nature of God – so this is how (at the beginning) that all of God’s creation was in harmony with God’s nature.


134   Dear God, Food in due season, spiritual Food. Something that the world knows nothing of.

Since the opening of the seven seals, a way has been opened up by God for God and man to be united as one again in their motive, objective, and thoughts – the depths of this relationship is something that the world knows nothing of.

*In this end time age, you cannot be united with God by any other channel outside of the revelation of the word that He has sent to us in this hour by His seventh angel’s message.

**Full access to the thoughts of God has been opened back to us by the completion of the full redemption of the atoning work of God – but there is a channel that God has chosen for those thoughts of God to be made known to us – and that is by the word that He has placed within our midst.

**The question is, that are we truly impressed with the word that has been open up to us in this end time hour of what has been placed in our midst.


I wonder if we are sufficiently impressed with the Word in our midst.

**If you have the fully unveiled word in your midst, then you have full access to the tree of life again just as Adam did before the fall – this is what has been restored to us in this day by the truth of the word that has come to us – the path of life has been shown and made available to us again.


PSALM 16:11

     11   Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.



E-13   …and I've scolded my minister brothers for not--for just drawing themselves into one little thing in a group. Now, I'd think... If there was a denomination that would say, "We believe this, comma, plus all that God can add to it..." But when we make our denominational realms, we say, "We believe this, period," and the Holy Spirit moves right in, and moves right out of it. That's right. See? Now, if we can end it with a comma, then we just keep on growing. ___________

E-69   Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the flock, I'm so glad, Lord, that You showed me the path of life.

**The path of life is to know Him in a relationship of where there is no period but a continual walking in the fellowship of the unveiling of His word of truth to the understanding of your mind and soul.



192   But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word. You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.



The Bread from heaven, symbolized by manna, one day came down from heaven and became Life for all who believe on Him. He said, "I am the bread of life. I am the living bread that came down from heaven, if any man shall eat of this bread he shall live forever."

… Now in every age the messenger of the Lord to that age was given the revelation of God for that specific period. Once the messenger was enlightened by truth, he would bring that truth to the people. And they whose ears had been opened by the Spirit would hear that truth, believe it, and live it.

Now then, there is also the thought of the future partaking of the hidden manna. I think it will be the eternal partaking of the revelation of Jesus Christ in the eternal ages to come. How else could we begin to know the unsearchable riches of His own Being? All that we have longed to know, all our unanswered questions, all that will be revealed. It will be from Christ Who is our life that we receive it. Oh, sometimes we think we get to know a little of Him and His Word down here, and it is so good, it makes us rejoice; but one day when our flesh changes, that Word and He will become what we had never dreamed possible.

You can only know God by the revealing of His word.



…for a people who claim to know God apart from the Word are as barren of life as is a sterile eunuch.



14   Now, the first man and first woman in the garden of Eden was in perfect harmony with God, so much that God could come down at any time He desired and talk lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. Now, that is perfect oneness: God and His creation, God speaking lip-to-ear with Adam and Eve. And they were so perfect in harmony with God till they were one with God. God and His family was one.

Any man and his family, a correct, good, noble, obedient family is one with another: any family. And if there's something in the family that moves them apart, then it's not right; the family's broken somewhere. They should all be one: father with mother, mother with father, children with parent, parent with children, all in agreement. And when you see that, you'll see one lovely picture.

16  That's God's purpose. And His purpose as Father supreme, was to be one with His family, earthly family, Adam and Eve. And the only way that they could be one with the family, or with God, was because God's nature was in them. So that made them with God's nature in them, then with each other and God, they become all one. Isn't that a beautiful picture, God in His family, Father over all, supreme, no death, no sorrow, no heartaches, no nothing, just joy unspeakable: never to be sick, never to have a heartache, just one with God. What a picture. Because the very nature of God was in these people. And therefore, what they did, they followed just in line with God, and God with them made them one.

20   Now, don't you see the great picture? We in flesh are different. We're like a byproduct, a created being by holy wedlock. But in Spirit we are sons and daughters, not some other spirit, but the Spirit of the living God. We are in His likeness, in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because we become sons and daughters; not separated, but the same Spirit, the same God, the same Person, joined in wedlock to the eternal. See how God planned it that we should be, not a different, but Him, not some other being of some other tribe, but a real union and offspring of the Almighty done by a holy union.


*Paul wrote fourteen epistles to seven churches, from eternity back to eternity again, from oneness with God in the beginning, all the way back to oneness with God at the end, from “Chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world,” all the way to glorification.

**And so this is the revelation that has been given to us in this hour by an end time gentile prophet – Brother Branham said that he preached what Paul preached.

*The book of Romans wasn’t the first book that Paul wrote.

The first book that Paul wrote was Thessalonians. And in Thessalonians, Paul opened the three-fold Mystery of the Coming of the Lord.

But John (the Eagle), when he put the writings of the apostles together, he was directed by the Holy Spirit to put Romans as the First Epistle following the Book of Acts.

*Romans tells us that by one man, sin came into the whole world, and death came upon all men.

From chapters 1 to 8 of the book of Romans, we see this great mystery of God judging the world.

It begins with, “The wrath of God being revealed from Heaven,” - the “Wigged One” up in the heavens, wigged as the supreme Judge. Paul had this vision in 2nd Thessalonians of when Jesus is revealed with His mighty angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and to also be glorified in His saints. II THESSALONIANS 1:8-10.

**In Romans 1, Paul shows us that the Gentiles were guilty.

*Then in Romans 2, he shows that the Jews were guilty,

*And then in Romans 3, he said, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,” the whole world became guilty before God. And that’s this day when that supreme Judge of all the earth appeared in the sky.

All the denominational systems of Christianity were made up of the whore and the harlots - the whole Christian world was guilty before God because none had the original Gospel.

*Then in Romans 4, “Blessed is the man to whom God will not impute sin.” A people who never sinned in the first place, but they were trapped into it.

*Then Romans 5 - those who are freed from sin.

*And Romans 6 - after you believed the form of doctrine that was delivered unto you, you were freed from sin, and sin has no more dominion over you.

*And then Romans 7 - a Mystery for this Hour, “the evil which I would not, that I do” “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” – we still struggle and have war within ourselves because we are still in a body of fallen and sinful flesh.

*Then Romans 8, the manifestations of the sons of God, the marriage of the Lamb comes and the full redemption of our bodies takes place.

*Then Romans 9 to 11, it goes to the Jews, “Israel’s blindness was in part.”

*All these things were sealed up in the word.

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