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End Time Message

Sun, Aug 04, 2024

The Giver of the Gifts

Duration:1 hr 40 mins 11 secs

The Giver of the Gifts


RUTH 3:13-15

     13   Tarry this night (Notice here – a gentile woman tarrying at night, she is waiting for morning. For two thousand years, the gentile saints for seven church ages have all tarried through the night of seven candle stick lights under seven church age messengers), and it shall be in the morning (at the rising of the sun), that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part: but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee (Satan, with all of his science and technology is not able to restore man back to his own Edenic condition – nor is he willing or wants to, as he has created his own Eden), as the LORD liveth: lie down until the morning. (For seven church ages, we have buried believers, they have been laid down in their graves asleep until the morning time of when the SON would rise)

     14     ¶ And she lay at his feet until the morning: and she rose up before one could know another (At morning time, there was a secret known between Boaz and Ruth alone that no one else was to know about – a secret meeting between a man and a woman who were about to be married). And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.

     15   Also he said, Bring the vail that thou hast upon thee, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city. (Just before the rising of the sun, Boaz gave Ruth a gift of six measures of barley, but the real mystery of this story would be the mystery of the seventh measure, which was not another sheaf of barley, but a person. *Ruth was to receive the giver of the gifts himself – and with the giver came the entire field of barley, and not just for one harvest, but for all the harvests to come for as long as she lived – in other words, to receive the giver was far greater than to receive the gifts of the giver)

RUTH 4:13a

     13     ¶ So Boaz took Ruth, and she was his wife: And they all lived happily ever after… This is how the story ends, and this is how it ends for us also.

Everything that Adam lost, our Boaz/Christ has redeemed it back for the entire human race and creation – but it requires a marriage to do that.

And so we are now living at the time of the rising of the SON, of when the marriage of the Lamb has come, a time when Oneness between God and man has been restored.

III JOHN 1:3-4

     3     ¶ For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.

     4   I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.


The Giver of the Gifts

*We are trying to bring a temporal closure to our study on “Oneness with God”


**Oneness with God is when your soul, spirit, and mind is able to walk continually in perfect agreement with God’s eternal and unfolding thoughts of truth by the revelation of His word. That’s what fellowship and oneness with God looks like, and that is what we have been given access to by the message that God has sent to us in this generation.

The message of this hour is not a restoration of the gifts, but the gathering of the people of the elect of this age to the giver of the gifts Himself for a marriage.


102     Now, a gift, just like I said last night, "A gift is wonderful, but you can't base your Eternal destination on gifts." You cannot major on a minor, and a--a gift is a minor. And Satan can impersonate any gift God's got, he can make something just exactly like it, see, exactly. Therefore, we got to watch that.

313 …The Pentecostal message was to restore the gifts back in the Church. But this is the calling forth of the Bride, another Message that was to come just before Sodom was to be burned.

*When the gifts were restored by God to the Pentecostal people after the outpouring at Azusa Street, so many began to show off with their gifts and to make names for themselves, and there were many false impersonations that followed and that brought a reproach on the gospel.

*But for our age, we want to show that having the giver himself is a far greater purpose than just receiving gifts from the giver. When you have the giver, then you don’t need the gifts because the giver is far greater than the gifts, and to have the giver is connected to relationship and marriage (oneness with God), a relationship of a fellowship with God that has no end.


E-13   …and I've scolded my minister brothers for not--for just drawing themselves into one little thing in a group. Now, I'd think... If there was a denomination that would say, "We believe this, comma, plus all that God can add to it..." But when we make our denominational realms, we say, "We believe this, period," and the Holy Spirit moves right in, and moves right out of it. That's right. See? Now, if we can end it with a comma, then we just keep on growing.

E-69   Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the flock, I'm so glad, Lord, that You showed me the path of life.

**The path of life is to walk with God in a relationship of where there are no boundaries but a continual and everlasting fellowship of the unveiling of His word of truth to the understanding of your mind and soul.


192   But the Bride can walk with the Word, which is Christ. It must be in agreement. Not the ecclesiastical system; but the Word (“Ecclesiastical system” is your old husband of what your mind was married to that thinking and false understanding – that is why in order to be married to Christ (the revealed word for this hour), you have to die to all the teachings and ideas of your denominational thinking if it is contrary to the revealed word of God for this hour). You have to agree with the Word, to walk with the Word. Jesus said so. That makes it right.

Christ is always the revealed word of truth for the season… We are to walk in truth. Walking in truth is walking in fellowship and oneness with God.


Now then, there is also the thought of the future partaking of the hidden manna. I think it will be the eternal partaking of the revelation of Jesus Christ in the eternal ages to come. How else could we begin to know the unsearchable riches of His own Being?

…but one day when our flesh changes, that Word and He will become what we had never dreamed possible.

**It is impossible to know God outside of the revelation of His word – a sensation or emotion may give you an experience of the presence of God, but that will not reveal the person of God to you. People are awed by the presence of the Lord, but the nature and person of God can only be revealed to you through the word of God being made clear to your spirit and soul.


…for a people who claim to know God apart from the Word are as barren of life as is a sterile eunuch.

***For the past 6000 years, the human race has become used to living their lives mostly without the leadership and fellowship of God.

*As message believers we know that the title deed of everything that Adam lost, Christ has legally given back to the believer of this end time hour.

But we are like Johnny crow who still thinks his leg is tied to the garden stake, so that even after the farmer has cut the string, he has become so affected in this thinking by a groove of unbelief that has been gouged into his mind. Even though he has been freed in every way, his mind is still totally convinced that he is still bound to the stake. This is why our minds have to be renewed in order to be transformed.

*There have been scientific studies done that have shown that there is information that has been pasted down to us from our forefathers of different traits and traumas that they have experience in the past – and so these things are very powerful within the human makeup.

Brother Branham tells about the boy who inherited his grandfather’s stubbornness - it came down into him, it’s like a spiritual DNA defect.

*This is why with certain things in our lives, we can’t understand the way we are made – but if we would only realize that it is often to do with the history of our lineage of the traumas and traits of our past ancestors that had affected them, and then some of the effects of those things were passed down to us, and God knows all about it, and God will use these things as tools in our lives for His purpose.

*When God chose for Charles and Ella Branham to be married and produce little William with a quarter Indian nature in him, it gave little William Branham a love for the wilderness, and that was an ingredient and a trait that God would use to serve him for the work that God had planned for his life.

**So we all have things within us that are of historic genetical influence from our ancestors of both good and bad.

But as believers of this end time hour who are coming into a unity with the word. God is wanting us to enter into a higher level of realization of a time before sin even began - a time of when God and man walked in oneness.

*It is like that we have to relearn that again - of how to live our lives by the leadership and the fellowship of God in our lives.

**We could imagine it to be a little like how that if an older woman who had been used to just living her own life in her own way, maybe she had been married before and her first husband had died, and then she spends some time as a single woman again before she remarries, and so then she has to learn how to be under the headship of a new husband, she has to learn his ways and how to get along with him under his leadership and guidance, she can’t just run off and do her own leadership anymore, nor can she think that his leadership will be the same as her old husband’s leadership - and so we need to know what that looks like in our own lives, and especially since our old denominational husband of man’s religious headship has died.

The old husband of our old nature was the one that cause us all of our problems and got us into all of our troubles like Nabal was to Abigail – and that is why Nabal had to die, so that Abigail could be married to a new husband (David), a type of Christ.

**Our old husband of man’s leadership was so arrogant and bossy and a “know it all” and foolish, but the way that God leads us is so perfect and gentle and humble, that if we are not careful, it can be easy to miss being in harmony with that leadership, and so this is why we have to learn as much as we can about our new husband and His ways, of how to get along with Him, and how to have fellowship with Him, and how to be sensitive to follow His leadership and to notice how He wants to lead us in our lives.

*In other words, our thinking has to change.


75   What? Her thinking changed. Oh, yeah, her thinking changed. Her fellowship with her husband wasn't right. They begin to pass the buck. See? Her thinking was actually changed. Why? She had the life of the devil in her. It's exactly. As soon as she disbelieved God's Word, she accepted the life of the devil, because she accepted his teaching.

(Accepting someone’s teaching contrary to the word of God will change the way you think. Eve became married by her agreement with the thought of the devil, she became subject to his leadership in her life by her agreement with his teaching. This is why in this day, the word had to come to change our thinking back again into the thinking of the revealed word again in order for us to walk in the truth of the word and in fellowship with God’s thoughts. “Gentle shepherd, come and lead us, for we need you to help us find our way”)

I can make this awful strong right here, but it's on tape. I'm sure you understand: the church.

She disbelieved God's Word and it disassociated her from God, because in her right then was the life of the devil. She had believed his lie, said, "The fruits is good," and she'd partake them with him. That's right,

*If false teaching was able to cause the life and leadership of the devil to enter into Eve, then what about the true teaching of the word that has been restored to us in this hour of what we have received and accepted – what will be the outcome of that?


E-20   Why, I believe the time will soon arrive, that when healing will be--a miracle healing will be such a common thing... We've got to get some rapturing faith in the church to get away from here one of these days.


E-5   And after this morning, the Holy Spirit so beautifully coming down and bathing us in His great beauty, I was just inspired to speak them words and say that, "Some glorious day that all of the gifts that's in the Church, will just be set aside on the mantle, as it was. And the Holy Spirit Himself will just take the Church in such a control of Divine love until the sick will be healed, the blind will see, the lame will walk, without being hands laid on them. It'll just be one great unity."

*We want to finish with some quotes of where Brother Branham explains about the gifts of the Giver verses the Giver of the gifts.

*The gifts of the Giver represented the Pentecostal age of tongues and interpretation as well many other things that in some cases weren’t even scriptural, like balls of fire on the platform, and blood on their foreheads, and oil on their fingers, and all sorts of things that people followed after including woman preachers.

But the “bride age” dispensation of this hour represents the marriage of the Lamb, a oneness between God and man restored back again – the Giver of the gifts Himself uniting with an elected people.


E-10   Now, I'll tell you what. I have tried to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit. When I first started praying for the sick, I started out and the people--they all seek after wonders and signs. The tr... I will say as Martin Luther, in his--in his no--footnotes in one of his sermons. He said, "The people goes after gifts instead of the Giver." That's true. See? They go after signs instead of the Giver.

Now, that's a whole lot among we people. I'm glad that if you'll let me call myself one of you tonight, among one of your group. That's what the trouble... Not only in our Pentecostal groups, but out yonder in the fundamental ranks too, it's a carnal comparison, friends. I say this with love. But it's got to a place the people see the--something done, then everybody tries to impersonate that same thing. And when they do that, it's not the truth, brother. They bring things which is unscriptural.


E-33   …God can't trust His gifts with everybody. Do you believe that? When God gives you a gift, you have to watch what you're doing with it. Do you believe that?

Did you know a man could take a gift of God and send his soul to hell with it?


E-38   So friends, find Divine love and favor with God. Then God, if He finds favor with you, will give His gifts into you. But first, find the Giver. Seek the Giver, then the gifts will come as God sees fit to give it to you. Do you believe that?


243   ... Let's be one big happy family. Then don't come in, saying, "Well, I got the Holy Ghost; glory to God, I'm going to have gifts now." Just let the gifts alone; they'll take care of theirself. See? God, when He sees He wants to use you for something, He will tell you what to do, and go do it. Don't seek gifts. Seek the Giver.


E-39   …Now you say, "Brother Branham, you're condemning the gifts of the Spirit."

No, don't get that like you did Adam now. See? I am not condemning the gifts of the Spirit. They belong into the Church. But you're going after the gifts in the stead of the Giver. Get that first.


E-66   But you see Pentecostal people, you're going after gifts instead of the Giver. See? Come back to God. Get this real Divine love in your heart, your fellowship. That, oh, you just love Him with all your heart. Brother, the gifts will take care of itself. You just let that alone. See? It'll come.

…Now, if we had have went to seeking the Giver instead of the gifts, I believe the Church would've been farther up the road, don't you think so? If we'd stayed close to God, and loved Him, and just kept living for Him, and not trying to push things over; just live for God, and live a pure, holy life, and live, and pray every day, keep yourself refreshed in His Presence. God will take care of the rest of it.


E-17   So we people are more or less going after gifts instead of the Giver. See? We must come back to the place where... You're wonderful people, but you must come back first. And the key that unlocks the door to everyone... We've left the key and rushed for the door. So when you get there, you find out the door don't open, because you haven't got the key.


E-26   I just wonder, that if we haven't listened too much to rushing mighty winds, and fire, and blood, and everything else, and have failed to hear that still small voice. Wonder if we've looked so much to gifts that we can't see the Giver. You know, America is prone for noise. That's the reason rock-and-roll is so popular, and all these other lots of noises.

Now, we've had rushing mighty winds;, we've had great shakings, but where has God been in all of it? Elijah said He was not in it. What did we do with rushing winds? What have we done with all kinds of sensations? Where has it got us? Denominated so tight that we won't give fellowship one to the other. What have we done by it? Is the church better off? Is it unified by rushing winds? No, sir. It's only unified when them people will hear that still small voice of God.

That's where we're failing, friends. When God appears on the sign with something, and proves Himself to be God; instead of going after the noise, let's go after the One that made the noise. We forget the Giver.

*Back at the beginning of the story, Rebekah received gifts from Isaac as did other members of her family, but the story didn’t end there, because she then went on to follow Eliaza on a journey through a wilderness and all the way to a marriage union with Isaac of which she was united in marriage with the giver of the gifts Himself.

*Ruth received gifts of six measure of barley from Boaz. From Ruth deciding, to working in the field, to then receiving gifts from Boaz at the threshing floor, but to then becoming the wife of the giver himself – this has been our journey also.

The story was not all about the six barley measures, it was all about the giver - it was the giver that caused her to become a joint heir to the entire field of barley forevermore as well as Elimelech’s lost inheritance restored, everything that Adam lost, Christ our kinsman redeemer has come in this hour to restored it back again – Eternal life, fellowship with God, and dominion over the earth.

*Let us all purpose in our hearts to stay with the ministry of Eliezer through all of the ups and downs of the wilderness places that this message has led us through, or whatever else we must go through until we all come into a marriage union of a oneness relationship with the Giver Himself.

**We can have this relationship right now if we want it, a way has been made for us.

*Don’t look for big public things of what the world would call great – look for the still small voice that speaks into your mind and heart.

This great mystery of oneness. God and man were one back there, and God and man are one here again.

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