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End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 30 mins 53 secs

The Mystery of the First and Second Husbands of Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba Pt.2


II SAMUEL 5:10-12

     10   And David went on, and grew great, and the LORD God of hosts was with him.

     11     ¶ And Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and cedar trees, and carpenters, and masons: and they built David an house.

     12   And David perceived that the LORD had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake.

 Nabal is a type of this modern day rich Laodicean age at a time of judgement of when David (Christ) is about to execute judgement. Abigail stands in the gap and saves the lives of the other men that David would have killed, but then Nabal is judged by God.

Abigail marries King David (a type of Christ) after the death of her first husband Nabal.

Ruth comes into a marriage at harvest time after the death of her first husband Mahlon.

Bathsheba marries King David after the death of her first husband Uriah the Hittite.


II SAMUEL 5:12 (read verse 12 again)

     12   And David perceived that the LORD had established him king over Israel, and that he had exalted his kingdom for his people Israel's sake.

God established David as king over Israel, just the same as God had established Adam as the head over the kingdom of Eden – and so we see here a parallel between David and Adam in that this story in David’s life is a pattern of the same events that happened in Eden that caused the trouble to come into the human race.

*The fall that happened in David’s life with Bathsheba, and the trouble and suffering that it bought upon David and his family and nation with wars and things that followed, is also what happened after the fall of Adam and Eve in Eden that brought all the suffering and death and wars to the entire human race for 6000 years.

The story of Elimelech leaving Bethlehem also follows the same pattern in the book of Ruth – his family suffered also until harvest time of when the marriage took place between Boaz and Ruth and then Elimelech’s fallen inheritance was restored which is a type of the millennium.

**Second Samual 11 begins with adultery and ends with a marriage. The bible begins with adultery in Eden and ends with marriage in Revelation. The book of Ruth also ends in marriage – it’s all the same story of redemption.


     2   And it came to pass in an eveningtide (evening time), that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king's house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon.

**A woman is a church in the bible, and this beautiful woman here at evening time is showing us a mystery of the evening time bride of Christ. But we notice that she is already a married woman to another husband that has a rule over her, and this husband was not the one that was intended to her by God to bring forth the promised son for the millennium.

*So God is showing us a picture here of something that is a prophecy for this end time hour, because this story in the 11th chapter of second Samuel of David and Bathsheba is showing us a future prophecy of an end time people of how the death of the old husband and the marriage to the new husband takes place. David arranges for Uriah’s death, just as God is making a way for the death of our “first husband” fallen human natures.

God is determined that your old “first husband nature” will pass away.

So the death of Bathsheba’s first husband comes about by the arrangement of her second and rightful husband.

*Even though this was a terrible sin in David’s life (and he certainly suffered for it greatly), yet this story is placed in the bible because underneath these events God is wanting to convey certain truth concerning this end time hour.

If there wasn’t a deeper revelation behind this story, then it wouldn’t be placed in the bible by God.

**So Bathsheba was actually purposed in the mind of God to be David’s wife from the beginning, but the story opens up with her being already married to another man (Uriah the Hittite) so this is a problem that the bible is showing us of ourselves of when we first came and were born into this world, of how we came already married to a “husband” nature that was our first husband that ruled over us.

**If time had gone on, and by the providence of God, God would have eventually arranged Uriah’s death in order for Bathsheba to be legally married to David without David having to do what he did, because the son of David (Solomon) was predestinated by God to come through the womb of Bathsheba. But in this story, we find that David himself is arranging Uriah’s death.

**David would have also killed Abigail’s husband (Nabal) and then married Abigail, but he was stopped at the last minute, and then God saw to Nabal’s death.

**And so there is a lesson here in that we must learn that God is able to bring his own word to pass without the interference of man doing it in the way that he thinks it should be done, by the arm of man’s flesh.

That is what Sarah did with Hagar – she thought God needed her help because God seemed to be taking far too long.

Sarah knew that Abraham would soon have no energy left in his flesh to become the father of even one child let along a nation, and so she came up with her own plan that caused Abraham to be joined to another woman (Hagar), and look at all the trouble that came from that idea.

*Eve was also a woman with a barren womb, and so she also thought she could help God out too, by sleeping with a serpent and receiving a serpent’s seed into her womb, and that union was what produced Cain who was the head of a race of another specie that wasn’t a specie that came from the original thought of God.

So we find here that second Samuel 11 begins with the sin of adultery of the illegal passing of seed, but then ends with a marriage and the birth of the son of David (Solomon) and a millennial reign in type that follows.

*In Genesis, the bible begins with adultery and ends with a marriage in Revelation – so this story of David’s sin with Bathsheba and the troubles that followed his life after that event is showing us a miniature version of the man’s suffering for 6000 years after the fall in Eden and the suffering of man that follow that event - from Eden back to Eden again.

**God also showed this same mystery in the pattern of Brother Branham’s life of his suffering with his souring stomach that he suffered with all his life until the seventh dove appeared on the scene.


191   Now notice. And Mama, she said, "Billy," when I come back, she said, "come here, son, and set down." She said, "I had a strange dream. I dreamed that I seen you a-laying sick, just about to die, with your stomach as usual." How many diets has she cooked me! And she said, "You were building a house upon a hill." And said, "I seen six white doves come down from heaven, cooing, in a letter 'S' and they set upon your chest. And you was looking, and the one in front was trying to tell you something." Said, "They was real glossy, white, doves. And they took their little heads and put against your cheek, and going, 'coo, coo, coo.'" And said, "I couldn't understand it." Said, "They just kept going, 'coo, coo, coo.'"

192   I said, "Oh, I see it, praise the Lord!" And said, "They formed their letter 'S' again and went back up into the skies, going 'coo, coo, coo, coo,' going back home."

193   Well, the little animal that I saw was six inches long. The string of doves that Mom saw was six, six is incomplete. I knew that someday I'd see that seventh one. That was man, suffering;

Six thousand years of man’s suffering and then the seventh dove come down (who is Christ), and that marks the end of man’s suffering at the uniting of this seventh dove – and God wrote this mystery into the life of an end time prophet by what he suffered with in his own life.

*So when we look at these events in David’s life, they are not just told about in the bible just so that David’s secret sins can be exposed to the world, but God is showing us a mystery of an evening time hour of when a washed woman would appear on the scene (after the time of the blood of the martyrs, and then after the time of sanctification under Wesley). A sanctified woman at evening time.

*In our opening scripture, we read how that David’s Kingdom was established by God, but then after his kingdom is established (just like Adam’s kingdom was established) we see how that David and his family and nation suffered after the event of this act of adultery that took place in this life.

And no one can deny the fact that man has suffered since the illegal act of adultery took place in the Garden of Eden between Eve and the serpent.

Adultery was a sin that was connected to death.


     10     ¶ And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.


23     Now in Romans 7. Trusting that you have your Bibles open, everywhere now, across the country. We want to read closely now. This--this Message out of here, it seems like it's on marriage and divorce, but it really isn't. To me, it's a prophecy for the Church in the last day. (Keep this in mind as he reads this scripture – that this is a prophecy for the Church in the last day) Let us read.

Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law has dominion over a man as long as he liveth?

For the woman which has a husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. (Notice – a woman that is first married to a husband that then dies, and then she goes on to marry a second husband. This is where if we would just stop and look back in the bible, then we would see that these three women, Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba, fit this description perfectly, and so each of these women are showing us something of this prophecy of this end time hour)

So then if, while her husband liveth, she is married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.

Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that you should be joined or should be married to another, even to him who is risen from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. (Fruit first requires conception and birth)

For when we were in the flesh,... motions of sin, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter.

*A prophet of God is telling us that this scripture unfolds one of the great mysteries of prophecy for the end time in that Jesus is going to be married in this hour - the one who has risen in this evening time hour just like king David arose at evening time in our story.

**God and man are going to be joined as one again in union in this day, and this is the invisible union that is literally taking place right now in this hour.

This is what we are called to manifest in this hour.

**The first husband that we were all united with in marriage was the husband of our fallen human nature that we all came into the earth with and that caused us to be at odds with God – we placed our own thoughts above, and as a greater thing than God’s thoughts.

*This fallen human nature that we were all born with and that came to us because of the fall in Eden, is the very thing of what has caused all the troubles for the human race of all the sin and sadness and poverty and sorrow and death and war and corruption that we have seen since the fall of man in Eden up to this time now.

**It is this corrupted human nature (that is not in harmony with the word of God) that is responsible for all the troubles of mankind, because this nature will never allow peace to reign on earth – yet it is the first nature that we were born with and married to when we came into this world.

*This is what the message of the hour has taught us, and so we know that the scriptures must show something of the depth of the truth of this also.


206     Life is a sacred thing, to God, and it's recorded in a book. God is the author of life. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

207   Our natural life here, we have, is just a perversion. It really should be the right life, to begin with, but it's perverted by the natural birth. The first life, or your first union, you were joined in at birth, by nature, a natural act. A natural human being associated, man and woman together, associated together in sexual affair, which brought your first life here, and that's associated with sin and death. How can you miss seeing the serpent's seed?

*These are the things of what God is teaching us in this hour through the ministry of His seventh angel.

*So then we want to look at these first and second husbands of Ruth, Abigale, and Bathsheba, because they all reveal to us (from different angles) the mystery of our first “husband’s” fallen nature that we all came with by default at our first birth.

*This first husband human nature is actually defined as a nature of unbelief of the word of God, and so it is this unbelief of the word that has to first die in us in order for us to be married to a new “husband” nature of which we term as the “new birth”, and then that new nature begins to take over the leadership of our lives, and that new nature believes the word of God. But then there is a period of where this old nature of doubt is still alive for a while even though we have received a seed of our new husband of the truth of this hour, but then that old husband has to fully die before we can fully bring forth the promised son.

**And then we know that even with the new nature of the revelation of the word in our soul, our human spirits have to then learn how to get along with this new husband nature, this is why we need a new spirit also, because your old nature taught your human spirit habits that were contrary to the word and nature of God just like how Johny Crow learnt how that he was tied to the garden stake, and so it is those things that linger on in our lives and also the chemistry in our bodies that cause us to be “sticky” and have problems as long as we are here on earth in these fallen bodies. Our spirit realm is able to retain some of the old nature learnt traits and even develop negative complexes even after the new birth has taken place.

Brother Branham suffered with this also.


1149-30   How can I take a cocklebur and make a grain of wheat out of it? It's impossible for me to do it. The only way it can be is because inside that cocklebur has been transmitted from a cocklebur wheat--a cocklebur to a germ called "wheat life." Then you bury that cocklebur, and it'll produce a grain of wheat (That's right. See?), because there has been a life of wheat put in the cocklebur. And the life of the cocklebur has been taken out; but the nature of the cocklebur is still sticky (See?), and it will be until this new life has fully been developed out of the ground and raised up again. When it comes forth, then it's no more cocklebur, but wheat--but wheat. But while it's here on earth and the--in the--out of the earth... And a cocklebur, it's still sticky, but it's got the nature on the inside of it of wheat.

And as long as you're in this life, you're going to be sticky and have a carnal nature that's going to bother you as long as you live; but the inside of you, you're borned again. And when you're raised up, you're in the likeness of Christ and all the sin is gone from you. See? That's--that's the thing.

**We know that the Elect of God comes predestinated with two natures in one body, but while we grew up from a little child, we only catered to the fallen natural nature. We were automatically joined to the first nature husband because of our first birth, it’s like a husband because it is the first nature that has rule over the spirit of your mind and has influence over your thoughts, and that comes by a union or marriage with that nature of which is your first husband.

**So we are united with and controlled by this nature from birth – we came out disbelieving the word of God. But the elected people of God are foreordained to be loosed from the law of the first nature by the New Birth of the revealed word for the hour, making alive and being united with that second nature husband of the word.


44   Like in the Book here, and the spot there we was talking about the--the two Books being One, the Book of Life. The first Book of life coming up, was when you were born, that was your natural birth. See? But then one time, way back down in there, there was a little grain of Life as I was explaining to some of the young sisters at the house this afternoon. See, there's a little grain of Life laying there, that you wonder, "Where did It come from? What--what these strange things?"

45   I was saying this, taking for myself, like you was going to say, "William Branham, well, forty years ago, the William Branham, it isn't the same one tonight." If somebody back there would say, "William Branham, he was a rank rascal," see, because I was born of Charles and Ella Branham. In their nature I was a sinner, I came to the world, a liar, and all the habits of the world laid right in me. But down in there, too, was another Nature present, see, predestinated, was in there by God. In this same body, see, two natures in there.

46   Well, I only catered to one. As it growed, I gooed as a baby, "Dad-da." First thing you know, I become a liar, become everything else that's a sinner, because I raised up that way. But down in there was a little speck of Life all the time.

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