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The Mystery of the First and Second Husbands of Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba Pt.4

ROMANS 7:19-25

     19   For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

     20   Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

(Notice how that he is able to understand with clarity the battle that is going on in his life. St Paul was thought to be around 30 years of age at the time of his conversion, and around 60 years of age at his death. It is also suggested that Paul was somewhere around 53 years old in AD57 when he began his writings of the Epistles to the gentiles – and it is interesting to note that this was also around the age of Brother Branham when God used his ministry as a gentile prophet to open up the seven seals – so both Brother Branham and Paul were mature men in their 50’s that had lived enough of life to be acquainted with the struggles of the realities of life as believers in Christ)

     21   I find then a law (a law is something like a fact that you don’t normally have the option to change), that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.

     22   For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: (the laws of God are just and good and right and holy)

     23   But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.

     24   O wretched man that I am! (This word wretched = enduring toils and troubles) who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

     25   I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord (the answer is the second Adam – Christ). So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.

The Mystery of the First and Second Husbands of Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba Pt.4

This scripture that we have just read in Romans 7. In - Barnes' Notes on the Bible commentary, he comments…

“The flesh throughout, in all its native propensities and passions, leads to sin; it has no tendency to holiness. Therefore, what conscience could not do, what the Law could not do, what unaided human strength could not do, has been accomplished by the plan of the gospel”.

In other words - A man’s conscience wasn’t powerful enough to overcome the sinful nature of what resided in the flesh of man, the Law (as good as it was intended for) didn’t work either, and the strength of a man’s human will power was also insufficient against this fallen and sinful born nature of man. It was going to take the Lamb of God Himself to bleed and die – the second Adam’s obedience that would begin the process in order to bring about man’s full redemption from this fallen condition.

*Some thought that by placing a man under rules of laws and penalties, that that was the answer that would harness and control the sinful nature of a man’s sex born flesh – but that didn’t work.

The answer was a process that would begin first with a new birth of an inner spiritual change of a man’s nature from his unbelief of the word of God to a new birth of faith in the word of God, but even that was only half the process, because this only dealt with the inner man, it would then require a change of his body at either the death of the body or at the change of his body at the last trump – because flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God.

ROMANS 7:23-24

     23   But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. (This is a law of sin that is built in to your human body)

     24   O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? (The human body is doomed for death because of sin)

*The body that you are now residing in is doom to one day perish along with its sinful and fallen characteristics.

But while we are here on earth in this earthly body, this is a lap over period of time of our earthly journey of when we have had a change of nature in our hearts of faith towards the word of God, but still find ourselves in a body of which the old carnal nature still resides in – this causes a constant personal conflict of interests, and this is the main problem of where almost all of our troubles of life are generated by.

*This is why that we have to learn and continue to learn how to bring our flesh under subjection to the word of God as Paul speaks of. Because as Paul asked the question that “shall we keep sinning in the flesh so that grace will have to increase greater” – of course not, but because of the fallen state of our human bodies of being born under a law of sin in our members, this body of sin causes us to be in a constant battle that we would by far rather not have to deal with, because as we all know that it is a battle that can at times of weakness be lost, and so this is where the grace of God steps up and has made a way for our immediate forgiveness by our confession and repentance.


1149-30   And as long as you're in this life, you're going to be sticky and have a carnal nature that's going to bother you as long as you live; but the inside of you, you're borned again. And when you're raised up, you're in the likeness of Christ and all the sin is gone from you. See? That's--that's the thing.

Our future eternal bodies (after these old ones have either been dissolved or changed at the last trump) won’t have a single speck of sin associated in them.

*But there is a good reason why God allows us all to struggle along in our Christian Walk under these battle conditions of a conflict of interest between the desires of our spirits verses the desires of the flesh.

**God has allowed for us to experience this period of time (that throughout eternity we will never have to struggle with ever again) of what seems to be this constant warfare between your soul (that has been rebirthed by the revelation of the word for your day), and your carnal flesh born body. He has allowed this for the purpose of using these conditions as a tool in your life to mold and to shape your life and character, and so that you will fully come to learn and to appreciate by experience His saving grace.

It keeps you humble in this life, and it teaches you of the depths of God’s mercy and grace.

*In Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, he words it about this opposition that we all experience of this sinful element that resides in the human flesh of man, that “Christians might constantly feel, and understand thoroughly, the wretched state from which Divine grace saves them; might be kept from trusting in themselves; and might ever hold all their consolation and hope, from the rich and free grace of God in Christ.

So in our study of this subject of The Mystery of the First and Second Husbands of Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba, all these stories of the bible are showing us something of this of what we have been speaking of, and we are also told that it is also a prophecy for this end time age of when at evening time, an end time people would come into a uniting time of an invisible union with the word – a uniting and a pregnation of the word of God in this hour.

*We have been given full access to the understanding of the entire plan of redemption by of the opening of the seven seals.


     7   Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.


…The people of God are being made ready by the Word of Truth from the messenger to this age.)(Notice - You make yourself ready by the word of truth from the messenger to this age)

     8   And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

     9a   And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.

We have heard an eagle scream that has called us in this hour by the voice of the seventh angel.

*At the beginning of this sturdy – we talked about how that this chapter of second Samuel 11 (of David and Bathsheba) begins with the sin of adultery and ends with a marriage – and the bible in Genesis also begin with adultery and ends with a marriage in Revelation – so we can see that in this story of David and Bathsheba, that it is also the story and mystery of redemption being revealed.

**Bathsheba represents the end time bride of Christ at evening time; in fact all the women in the bible speak of this last age – Rebekah and Ruth, and Rahab and Sarah and Esther and Abigail and Bathsheba.

No other group of people of any other age could fulfil all the types of all these women but a people in this last age. There might have been little similarities in previous ages, but before Sarah could be changed, God had to first come down in a human body and turn His back to the tent and discern the secrets of the hearts.

This end time age must come back into the same condition as Sodom and Gomorrah, and three angels must appear on the scene at a time of an investigation judgment.

It must be between the second and third woes of WW2 and WW3 because that is when the seventh angel is to appear, and the Jews must be back in their homeland. On and on we could go. The world must be in a condition of apostasy - we have arrived. And so Rebekah must be following a man in this hour to meet her unseen bridegroom. All these things - it is the book of redemption being fully open and revealed to us in this day.

*This is the age that we are living in - there is no other age that fits all these prophecies but this last age.

So we see how that these three women, Ruth, Abigail, and Bathsheba, they all had outlived their first husband and were then married to a new husband of whom were types of Christ, and it is a mystery of the Bride and Christ for this last day, and so it must also be a mystery of our own personal lives and journey of life under this great end time revelation.

All these women became a part of the family of Judah by virtue of marriage. And Judah is king, and so a King must have a queen by his side so that he can rule. David married Abigale after the death of Samuel, and just before he went to the throne and became king.

And that is why that in last age, the promise of Revelation 3:21 is to sit with the King in His throne (King and Queen), because after this marriage of a people being united with the word of the revelation of this hour, then we are to go into the Millennium as a married people to Christ as a complete 7 church age group.


     21   To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.


91     God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uniting time, and that's on right now. What is She uniting for? The Rapture. Amen! God's getting Her ready. Yes sir, uniting! What is She uniting with? With the Word! "For all heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away." She's uniting Herself with THUS SAITH THE LORD regardless of what any denomination or anybody else says. She's uniting Herself. She's getting ready. Why? She is the Bride. That's right. And She's united Herself with Her Bridegroom, see, and the Bridegroom is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."

92     And the Church and the Bride and the Word is becoming so one, until the very Word Itself is working out the work of the Bridegroom. Amen! You see it? A uniting! Not no more, "Join the church"; not more of this, but flee from everything and tied to Jesus Christ. See? It's the uniting time. God, uniting His Bride together, bringing It back; just exactly. Uniting the Words of His promise.

93   Second Thessalonians, 2nd chapter; It says, this 5th chapter says, "The saints that are asleep in the dust of the earth will waken. And then we will unite with them (the living ones, with the ones that's been dead), will unite before we even get up There," 'cause the Bride will be complete when She gets There. The ones that's living, that's uniting themself with the Word, and those that are gone already did that; and It all comes together, make one great union of the uniting before going up There. Amen!

**Man, who was meant to have the nature of God as the seat of his affection and thoughts, came into this world with a fallen nature that found it easy and natural to disbelieve God, and so then all the attributes of unbelief and sin of hatred and lies and murder and war and all these things that are against the nature of God are reflected in the lives of fallen man – and history has certainly attested to this fact.

**But the elected people of God were foreordained by God to be loosed from the law of their first nature by the new birth of the revelation of the revealed word of God for their day, and this new birth unites them with their second nature husband of faith in the word of God for their day.


Now then, here we are coming to a conclusion. As the eternal Logos (God) was manifest in the Son, and in Jesus dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that Eternal One was the Father manifest in flesh, and thereby gained the title of Son, even so we, eternal in His thoughts in our turn became the many membered Spoken Word Seed, manifest in flesh, and those eternal thoughts now manifest in flesh are the sons of God, even as we are so called. WE DID NOT BECOME SEED BY THE REBIRTH, WE WERE SEED AND THEREFORE WERE REBORN FOR ONLY THE ELECT CAN BE REBORN (The true rebirth of this hour is connected to you recognising the word for your day as truth). Because we WERE SEED is the reason we could be quickened. In NON-SEED there is nothing to quicken.

The truth that you had within you as a seed from God has come alive in this hour and has shown itself being in you by your recognition of the word of God for this day.

II SAMUEL 12:13-14

     13   And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.

     14   Howbeit, because by this deed thou hast given great occasion to the enemies of the LORD to blaspheme, the child also that is born unto thee shall surely die.

*The death of this son of David here is foreshowing the death of Christ (someone had to die for David to live) – but then David would still go on to suffer for the rest of his life with all kinds of problems, because whatsoever a man sows in this lifetime, that shall he also reap in this lifetime. God will not be mocked with this – in other words you won’t escape the reaping of what you sow.

*We see here that even though David had a heart like God, his flesh failed him in this lifetime and caused him as well as his family and even his nation so much trouble, but yet in all of that, the grace of God was revealed through it all.

II SAMUEL 11:8-11

     8   And David said to Uriah, Go down to thy house, and wash thy feet. And Uriah departed out of the king's house, and there followed him a mess of meat from the king.

     9   But Uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all the servants of his lord, and went not down to his house. (Look at Uriah’s direct disobedience to what the king had commanded him to do. He was commanded by the king to do a certain thing, and yet he chose to deliberately disobey, because actually, in his own mind he thought that he had a better idea of how to show off his self-discipline of what a good person he was, it was a pride-based motivation that was behind his thinking of which he placed it above the word of the king - he didn’t realize that that very thing would be the cause his own death.

*We see this also in Genesis with Cain.

Cain was told by God what to do, and it wasn’t a hard thing to do, but he refused to obey, and then the next thing that happens in the story is that someone is dead, someone gets murdered. This is why that when we put our own works and pride-based ideas of pleasing God above obedience to the simple instruction of His word, then trouble and death will always follow that because there is a way that seems right to a man, but it is the ways of death)

     10   And when they had told David, saying, Uriah went not down unto his house, David said unto Uriah, Camest thou not from thy journey? why then didst thou not go down unto thine house?

     11   And Uriah said unto David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in tents; and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, are encamped in the open fields; shall I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? as thou livest, and as thy soul liveth, I will not do this thing.

**He wanted to like prove to the king of how that he was such a worthy person – “I can do it better than what the king commands me to do”, and this is why to many, that it actually looks like that Uriah was a better man than David, but not so, the bible tells us that it was David who had a heart like the heart of God and not Uriah.

*Look at what Uriah is actually saying, “I have decided not to obey you because I have a better idea in that I want you to see how great I am by the display of my own self-discipline. In other words, I want to prove by my own works that I am such a great and loyal subject of your kingdom.”

**But the bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice.

*It was by the works of Uriah’s own self-denial of his flesh that he wanted to impress the king with – and so this is showing us a mystery of our first husband’s nature through the actions and nature of this first husband of Bathsheba.

**The character of Uriah is revealing to us the fallen nature of man in that we think that we can impress God by our own self-discipline and works, when all He wants is for us to believe and to obey His word of mercy, and to come to truly know His grace because he not only wants to be worshiped by us as a creator, but also as a redeemer.

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