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End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 24 mins 22 secs

The Dove of the Word Leading the Eagle into Rapturing Faith


DANIEL 2:16-19

     16   Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation.

     17   Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions:

     18   That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. (A death sentence had been pronounced by the king, and the only thing that could stop death in its tracks would be the revealing of a secret that only God could reveal)

     19   Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.

Notice how that it was the revealing of a secret that stopped death and brought life to Daniel and his three friends and even to all the wise men of the kingdom of Babylon. Certain mysteries revealed can not only bring life to the one it is revealed to, but also to many others as well. Rahab’s secret of the scarlet thread not only saved her, but also her family.

We think of how God let the secret of the polio vaccine to be discovered by the US physician Jonas Salk. Polio had become one of the most feared disease in the world – but it was the revealing of the secret vaccine that stop death.

*This is why people are so often blessed with life without even knowing how that blessing came, like the souls of the martyred Jews that were under the altar of the 5th seal who will receive white robes of eternal life, they were beneficiaries of Jesus death without knowing it – it was the secret of the scarlet blood that saved them.

I JOHN 2:2

     2   And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

Many people are ignorant of the fact that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world – but it doesn’t change the fact of that being the truth and the reality.

*Those of Mathew 25 who do good to His brethren were ignorant as to why they were receiving life, in other words, what remains a secret to most people of what God does is the thing that they will owe their life to, just as we have seen how that the revealing of the secret of king Nebuchadnezzar’s dream brought life to all the wise men of the kingdom at a time when all the wise men were no doubt preparing for immediate death under the judgment of king Nebuchadnezzar.

JOHN 16:12-13

     12   I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

     13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Showing you things to come requires a prophetic ministry – a ministry of leadership by a prophetic gift that is able to reveal secrets that will stop death and usher a person into life.

*In this hour, we must be led by someone of who is of an intelligence that knows what lays ahead of us, and that someone is the spirit of truth – the spirit of the Dove of the word that is able to reveal secrets that will lead us to a body change and life everlasting.


The Dove of the Word Leading the Eagle into Rapturing Faith

Over the past few weeks, we have been studying on this subject of the sign of the dove between the two worlds.

*We saw how that Noah and his group were between the old world that had come under judgment (the antediluvian world), and the new world of which types the millennium at the end of the age that we are living in now.

And so for Noah and his group, this was the time of when the dove appeared with a message in its mouth for the purpose of leading this prophet eagle over into the new world.

And so all this is to be repeated again at the end time with an end time prophet and his group again in this day.

If we expect to go over into the new world of the millennium in this hour, then we will also need to see a dove with a message of a word in its mouth in this day also, and it has, and it is the revealing of the word of this hour.

**And this is why God sent a message by the way of a mouth (a voice) in this day also, because as it was in Noah’s day, so shall it repeat again at the time of the revealing of the Son of Man ministry.

*Back in the antediluvian world, God sent a Prophet before He destroyed the world. And in these last days, He sends a prophetic ministry again before He destroys the world now.

*We also know that Noah had a climax to his Third Pull ministry of the word that had opened to him at that time, in that by the very end of his ministry, he was preaching to the total lost, because the doors of the ark were closed.

***In Noah’s day, the whole world had been coming under judgement for many years before the flood, while also for many years a small group of people were being sealed under a prophet’s message with a promise to go into the new world. But before that could happen, the dove had to descend between the two worlds.

*Jesus was being baptized in the Jordan River by John between to portions of land when the dove descended with a message between the two portions of land.

**The Ark of the covenant carried on the shoulders of the Levi’s stopped in the middle of the Jordan River, the river of death between to lands. So the Ark in the midst of Jordan was Christ on the Cross, destroying death’s power and opening a way for a called-out people to go into a new land to live, not as slaves like they were in Egypt, but with all things under their feet as it will also be for us in the millennium.

*Brother Branham was in a river in 1933 between the two lands of Jeffersonville and Louisville when the dove came down also.

*And so this sign of the dove appearing to us in these last days by the revealing of the message of the hour shows us that we are between two lands (two worlds), and that we are soon to cross over into the new world – from the earthly, to the heavenly, from this body, to our theophany – in fact our glorified body.

*Jesus was with his disciples on the boat after the healing revival between two portions of land when he stopped death – because he was the dove himself, and then immediately after he had spoken the word, then they were at the other shore of the new land.

When the dove came to Danial and revealed the secret of the dream, when that morning broke, death was also broken by the revealing of the secret.

**So we cannot deny all these shadows and patterns in the bible – and this is how we can know for sure of what is taking place in this day with the appearing of the dove in this hour. We are bound for the Promised Land.

***So in our previous studies, we found out that every time we see this Dove of the word appear (the carrier of a message), it opens up a mystery to the people by a prophetic channel that reveals a secret that stops death and brings life, just as we saw how the secret that God revealed to Daniel stopped death and gave life.

And so we want to go on a bit further and look at this subject of “The Dove of the Word Leading the Eagle into Rapturing Faith” and I am taking the title of this subject from Brother Branham’s prayer at the end of his message:


216     … O God, there's a Message coming forth now, and I pray, God, that You'll let the Dove lead. Grant it, Lord. It's led me to a faith I never had before. (notice – a secret revealed to him that led him to a faith that he had never known before) I know, God, I know it's going to be all right; so I thank You for it, Father.

217   And, tonight, send down Your Message again, Lord, on the wings of the Dove of the Word.

The same Dove that led him is now leading us – and he called it the dove of the word.

And so this Dove of the Word is also known as the Spirit of Truth as we have read in our opening scripture – and so we are to be led by the revealing of truth. And this spirit of truth is also our Guide, and so if He is our guide that is leading us in this hour, then we need to know where He is leading us to – there must be a final destination.

And if history is to repeat itself again in this end time age of what took place in Noah’s time, then there must also be a prophet with a message of judgment and mercy appear in these last days also, and there must also be a people who would follow that prophet over into a new world, because those who stayed with Noah and his message were the ones that went over into the new world. **And this is how that we can be sure of who we are in this day, because we are being led in this hour by the same dove that led Noah and his group.

**The fact is that this history of Noah and those who believed his message cannot fail to be repeated again in these last days, this is why we can know for sure that those who stay with Branham and his message will be the self-same people that will go over into the new world of the millennium of a 1000 years of peace on the earth – this is the secret that identifies the people of this day that will go over into the millennium, and so that is what gives us the confidence to know for sure who we are.

**So why were there only so few that were saved in Noah’s day, because anyone who stayed with Noah and his message would have simply been saved. *But as it is now, so was it then also, and so we could barely begin to imagine all the fake news and lies and false prophets that would have confused the people of that day, so much so that Noah’s ministry and popularity would have sunk into almost complete insignificance, and especially in the light of all the technological advancements, especially in the realm of entertainment of which the world used to influence the minds of the people and to keep them distracted.

*Bread and Circuses was the way that the Romans used to keep the people happy and distracted. Good food and good entertainment – especially violent entertainment.

DANIEL 2:16-19 (read our opening scripture again.

     16   Then Daniel went in, and desired of the king that he would give him time, and that he would shew the king the interpretation.

     17   Then Daniel went to his house, and made the thing known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions:

   18   That they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this secret; that Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

     19   Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.

This secret of what was revealed to Daniel was the thing that brought life to all the wise men of the kingdom as we said in our opening comments - they were all benefices of a prophet’s ministry that revealed this secret.

And that secret was made know first by a vision to Daniel, but then it was revealed to the king by the medium of the spoken word – first by a vision by a gifted prophetic ministry, then by the revealing of that secret by the spoken word of the prophet.

So we see then how that the dove of the word descended to Daniel at the time of judgement and the mystery revealed stopped death in its tracks.

*We see this also patterned with Gidion at the time of the threshing between reaping and garnering, it was a time of when three powers were uniting together like an army of locusts, it was harvest time, and they were devouring the earth, and it was at this time that this great dove came to Gidion with a message that opened a mystery to Gidion of the light, and the empty pitcher, and the trumpet, and when that secret was revealed to the people, then it stopped death in its tracks and brought life to the entire nation of Israel.

And so again we see that it is the revealing of secrets that bring life, and secrets are revealed by words being spoken.

**Words of truth for the season that you live in will lead you to life.


144     God is revealed in every age by His promised Word to that age.

One of the last sermons that Brother Branham preached was “Leadership”.

Who is going to lead you after the seventh angel prophet is gone, because this was the great worry of the people of the message at the time of when Brother Branham had the car accident, they could hardly comprehend a world without their prophet leader. And when he finally died on the 24th of December, what they had feared became a reality, and the could hardly believe that their leader was gone, and they felt like young abandoned orphans with no one to look after them.


96     Now, the first step you probably ever taken in your life, speaking of leadership, is probably the hands of some kind old mother. Them hands may be still tonight, out here in some cemetery somewhere, but that was the hand that held you to make your first step.

97   Then after mother taught you how to walk, and you'd make a few steps then fall down, and get up, and you thought you were doing great things, then she turned you over to the school teacher. And then she begin to lead you to an education; of how and what you must do, and how you must learn, and--and so forth like that.

98   Then after the school teacher got through with you, then you returned back, your father got a hold of you. Then when your father got a hold of you, he taught you perhaps your business; how to be a successful businessman, how to do things right. Your mother taught you how to be a--a housewife, how to cook, and so forth like that.

99   Then after they got through with you, then your minister or priest got a hold of you.

100     But now who leads you? That's the question now. Now, we're all led by something tonight. We have to be. We're led.

The dove was sent to Noah in order to lead him, and the way he led him is by being a faithful carrier of a message, and that message was to reveal a secret of a revelation that was needed in order for Noah and his group over into the new world.

*We know that Noah and his people were under an eagle anointing, and eagles are used in the bible as a symbol of a seer of future events.

And so in this age, it is the Dove of the word that is to is lead the people of the eagle age into a faith that will end all their suffering.

**There is a level of faith that could only be released and realized after the opening of the word – after the secret of the entire bible had been made known.

It is this greater level of revelation that produces a greater level of faith because faith is produce when something is revealed revelation.

And this is why when we get to the end of the message in 1965, that there is an emphasis on rapturing faith, of a faith that is about to be released by the secrets of the word being made known. And this the opening of the word of the secret to a people on earth is what releases rapturing faith and stops death in its tracks and gives them life to go on living in a millennial age of a 1000 years of peace.


To be continued next week - the Lord willing...

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