Spiritual Building Stones PDF's
End Time Message

Bro Charles Wilson - Editor charlesw


Charles was a retired Businessman, after which, he became involved in managing a Christian Radio Broadcasting Station throughout the central North Island for ten years and also wrote a weekly Christian Editorial during that era. It was after Charles and Joan shifted to the Bay of Islands that he was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and two years later, introduced the Believers Newsletter. He and his wife, Joan, have two grown up sons.


Bro Bruce McCorkindale - Sub Editor bruce


Bruce has a background of forty years’ teaching experience in the commerce field, mainly at secondary school level. Since moving from Lower Hutt in 1978 he has shared joint responsibility for a small Message Fellowship based in the town of Levin. Bruce and his wife Lynley have six adult children.



Bro Adrian Gray - Spiritual Coordinator adriang


Adrian came to the Lord in 1983 at an A.O.G. Church in New Plymouth, N.Z. The Lord caused his farm contract to end soon after which caused him to shift to another area where unbeknown to him was a message church. So in 1984 he was baptized in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ and his spiritual life changed radically to where he is ministering the message today. Adrian and his wife Mary have three grown up children. Their son, Matthan has ministered from the age of 15 years.


Sis Joan Wilson - Editorial/Sectional joanw


Sister Joan helps her husband, Bro. Charles in a secretarial role which she has pursued all her working life. She considers her voluntary duties in the Believers Newsletter as more blessed and rewarding spiritually, than any of her other careers that she has had previously. As she transcribes anointed messages, for the BNL, she finds them most uplifting to herself also.

Beside this, it is a privilege to help with general office duties such as answering the phone and correspondence from/to an increasing number of people from further afield in this late hour, until Jesus comes.


Details About the BNL Ministry

After Bro. Charles shared his vision of sending out a monthly newsletter, with some christian brothers, eventually the vision became a reality and on the 1st March 2008, the first Believers Newsletter was Emailed out to Message believers throughout New Zealand and Australia. And it has gained momentum until Christians from all over the world receive this message of God’s love and caring - as a healer of their sickness, in the christian believers’ testimonies of God’s goodness to them. Also we send out news items of visiting Speakers, Missionary reports, planned Young People’s Camps (N.Z. or offshore)This encourages our Christian friends in this difficult time. When we see nations rising against nations and tribulation abounding, as young folk are turning to Drugs and Alcohol, they can hear the message of deliverance.

Today, the three Brothers, Bro. Charles Wilson, Bro. Adrian Gray and Brother Bruce McCorkindale provide a medium for the dissemination of testimonies, comments, news, interesting anecdotes - anything that would glorify God and could encourage a fellow pilgrim. Sister Joan Wilson helps her husband with transcribing.

The organising Committee of three has been ably supported by a number of brothers and sisters at different times, each contributing their skills to enable the publication of a quality newsletter to the glory of God. Initially it was in an email format, circulated amongst the pastors and ministering brethren in New Zealand. Some recipients then printed the Believers’ Newsletter for their own congregations, but the distribution grew quickly to include those outside the main fellowships and also became a way of linking isolated saints who lacked the opportunity for regular fellowship. In addition, distribution facilitated by the internet, quickly spread the Believer’s Newsletter well beyond the shores of New Zealand.

By the latter half of 2010, the distribution list grew, and the Believers’ Newsletter now goes across the Tasman to Australia and the Pacific, to North America and to Europe and South Africa. This change of readership pattern reinforces the original aim to promote material that will encourage saints on their journey. We prefer to leave doctrinal issues to the local Pastor’s realm.



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