Teacher List View
End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 43 mins 26 secs

Angels of Life, and Angels of Death Pt.2

GENESIS 28:10-12

     10     ¶ And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.

     11   And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set (the sun sets at evening time, and then the world is plunged into darkness); and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

     12   And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.

Notice - A time of darkness of when a channel of access and communication is established by a stairway so that angels from heaven can have free access to earth by a ladder. We have been taught by a prophet in this generation that a stairway of communication has been established from heaven to earth by the way of a third pull ministry, and from hell to earth also by Lucifer’s message also being proclaimed on the earth.

*You don’t have to die in this age to hear eternal things from heaven, and you don’t have to die in this age to hear damnable things from hell either.

PSALM 78:49

     49   He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. (“evil angels” – these were messengers of death that were among the people at the time when an exodus prophet was on the scene)

JUDE 1:6

     6   And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

These angels who left their own habitation - this word “habitation” means “house”. In other words, the spirits of these angels left their heavenly angelic bodies that they once lived in and came down to earth and entered into people (Human beings), and began to guide the lives of man from within like the Holy Spirit was supposed to be the guide of man from within a man’s soul.

*This guidance is what we are seeing today with these pop singers and movies stars and fashion idols and the like, it is the spirits of these fallen angels getting into the people – it is the angels of death being loosed among the people.

*So when you see a person whose life ends up away from God and in ruination and darkness, you know for sure that that wasn’t the Holy Spirit that led that person into that condition.

Angels of Life, and Angels of Death Pt.2

We want to pick up where we left last week without repeating to much of what we have already gone through.

**The word “angel” means “messengers” - people with a message by which they can influence the thinking of others toward God or away from God.

*And so from our scripture readings, we know that these fallen angels want to inhabit human beings for the purpose of leading them to destruction. God’s messenger angels lead people to life, while Satan’s messenger angels lead people to death. Angels of life, and angels of death.

*The prophet taught us in the message “Souls in Prison Now” (and in other sermons) that hell has been open up in this day and is being created on earth, and these angels of death that had certain limitations before have now been given a far greater access of released on the earth, they have infiltrated the pulpits in the religious realm, and they have infiltrated the politicians in the political realm, and they have infiltrated the actors and singers in the entertainment realm and the fashion industry realm and on and on – and they have all formed their groups of believers under their ministries. You can’t tell me that Taylor Swift’s groups aren’t believers in her message.

*And so all of this is what explains the condition of the world that we find ourselves of today.

*Back when Jesus was on earth, He had to first die before he could go to hell and preach to the souls in prison, but today, we are able to preach to souls that are already in prison right now of who are being tormented by demons while they are still alive on the earth.

*Last week we looked at this scripture in Job of what Elihu spoke after Jobs 3 friends had finished their discourses – Elihu represents Christ.

JOB 33:21-25

     21   His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen; and his bones that were not seen stick out. (this is the depiction of a man that is undernourished and near death)

     22   Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers. (We looked at this word “destroyers” last week, it means - to die prematurely by neglect of wise moral conduct – we are living in an age where moral conduct is out of control)

     23   If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness: (This word messenger means an angel – in other words “if there be an angel that will minister truth of what is right to this person - to declare truth to this man of what is right for him”)

     24   Then he is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.

     25   His flesh shall be fresher than a child's: he shall return to the days of his youth: (In other words - wisdom and truth would be able to deliver and redeem this man back from the brink of death to a life of health and youth again)

*Last week we spoke of how that only truth existed in Eden – there was never one account a lie ever being told before the serpent told the first lie to Eve.

Adam and Eve probably didn’t even have a word for “lie”, because the thought of telling something that wasn’t true had not even been considered in their minds, and you don’t need words for thoughts that don’t yet exist.

But today you can hardly know what to believe as true anymore.

**Yet we as a people who have heard an end time message have had the privileged of hearing some of the greatest truths that have ever been made known before. The very mind and purpose and plan of God has been revealed to us in this end time age through the ministry of the seventh angel’s message. These are great things.

So if God sends angels (Men) with messages of truth to influence certain people of each age in order to call out the elect of that age – then we can also be sure that Satan has had his counterpart of his angels of death in the form of men that are possessed with these fallen angels that influence the people away from the things of God and to cause them to disbelieve His word of His truth.


     7   But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.


     17   And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

**This angel was a man – yet by the message of God that came through him, he was able to impart eternal life to an entire bride body of people in this last age.


19-6   Now, notice, the greater works was to have the power in the church, not only to heal the sick by prayer, cast out devils by prayer, but to impart Eternal Life to believers. The Holy Ghost was coming and given into the hands of the church to impart life. Oh, that's what Calvary meant.

It took stooped, degraded men and women and lifted them into a place to be sons and daughters of God to heal the sick and to impart Eternal Life. By giving the Holy Ghost to obedient believers, men who were once unbelievers be made believers and impart spiritual Eternal Life.

*So the ministry of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 was the ministry of an angel that was commissioned to impart truth and eternal life to an entire group of people of a bride age.

But then God also used the two men (angels) that were sent down to Sodom to pull Lot and his group out of Sodom, and they were angels of life also, of another category of eternal life.

*These two angels represented two men in this end time age – Billy Graham and Oral Roberts. And these two angels were men that planted seed, and their seed was their teaching, and teaching become peoples belief.


44-3   All right. Now, there has been three different kinds of seeds planted: A denominational: Billy Graham; he was a head planter. Oral Roberts for the Pentecostal... Pentecostal seed's been planted. (I'm talking about organization now.) And then the Word's been planted.


361     You see, there was the church natural, the church natural, which was Lot and his group. They had a modern Billy Graham go down there, and--and so forth, and an Oral Roberts and them, calling them out.


127     … We see a Billy Graham down yonder, and Oral Roberts, and all them people out there; the Pentecostal messenger and the denominational messenger down there, we see all that going on, carrying out the sign. Billy Graham, a theologian to the dot, what the denomination believes in. Oral Roberts, a healer to the dot, just exactly what the Pentecost...

128   But looky here, there's something else promised to the Seed of Abraham. There they are down in amongst them denominations; there's something out of the denominations supposed to happen, gathering the people.

**There could likely be millions under Billy Graham’s and Oral Roberts ministries of what will be “saved” within those groups of the church natural – notice carefully, God sent these men as angels of life to the people who received Christ under their ministries, but there is also another group who is under another ministry of the fullness of the revealing of the Son of Man – and we believe that we are that group by God’s grace.

*So when God sends His angles of life, He then saves people who come under their ministries, and the devil does the same thing by causing the death of people under his ministries.

**When the angel came to Mary, he came with a message of truth and life, and when she received that message by the word of that angel, and then life was imparted to her by the seed of the truth of that message.

And so it is just that same with the angels of death, when people receive the deceptive lies of their message, then it becomes a seed of death that grows within them.

**We have all heard the term “Fallen Angels”, but what do they actually look like in their manifestation within the world today?

**They hide themselves in ordinary people that look just like you and I, but of who are supernaturally influenced with a spirit that produces a false message that leads people away from truth.

*These fallen angels have infiltrated people that influence others with their false messages and ideas and ideologies and false religions against the truth of the word of God - these are the people who have the spirit of these fallen angels living inside of them, and Satan knows that music is such a powerful way to influence the masses by his entertainment and fashion, and all these things that he has perverted.

**In Heaven, Lucifer stood between God and a third of the angels with a message of deception, “follow me and make me great, and I promise you that we will all have a better world to live in than that of Michael’s world”.

If you will just make me your leader, then everything will be tremendous and we will make heaven great again

*Lucifer went from being an angel of life to an angel of death – from being an influence to God, to being a channel of lies and deceit to the people.

He fell from his position of being able to impart life to others, to now imparting death to all that would believe and follow under his leadership.

***Remember that he looks good – that is one of his greatest talents, “looking good”. Actors look good, that is what attracts the masses of people to them, and once they have the attention of the crowd, then they are able to convey their message of immorality and sin and godlessness.

**A third of the angels in heaven were deceived by a false message that they heard, maybe it was in the form of a podcast, maybe it was by the lyrics of some catchy tune blasting out on the radio. **So these angels in heaven first fell by another angel that had a message behind what looked good on the front service.

*And then we see how that Lot was rescued by two angels with a message to come out. They were not fallen angels, but they were angels that had held to truth amidst the false messages that were going around heaven at that time, but in. II PETER 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;


543     Notice Lucifer, in the last days, is doing as he did at first. What did Lucifer do? The first thing that Lucifer done to separate the fellowship of God and man, he wanted to build him a united kingdom, a greater splendor and seemingly more cultured, a greater kingdom than Michael, Christ had.

*Fallen angels imparting eternal death by the deceitfulness of the sensational ways of fleshly attractions of this end time age that naturally attracts the attention of the flesh.

**Why are so many people attracted to Taylor Swift? I knew nothing about her until I began the hear her named mentioned, and this is a something that needs to be talked about because some of our young people in our very country are not being militant against such trash that can only result in the polluting of their souls.

II PETER 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned (how did they sin? By believing in the false message of Lucifer after he had wowed them by his musical talents), but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

Now this is all starting to make sense when we read…

II PETER 2:4-9

     4   For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

     5   And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

     6   And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

     7     ¶ And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:

     8   (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

     9   The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

**It is being done by angels – people of influence who are in the world today of whom are influencing for either good or for evil – either to reunite fellowship with God, or to separate fellowship with God.

**How did Lucifer impart death and separate a third of the angels in heaven from God and from eternal life? By a message that he influenced them by – he wrote a few catchy pop tunes and put some of his words of deceit to it, and then maybe had thousands of angels singing along to his pop music and his lying lyrics.


E-74 …I was trying to get the epilepsy to leave this little child; there's a minister setting back there with his group of people: twenty-eight of them, that wouldn't believe and didn't believe in Divine healing. And I couldn't get it to leave the child. I said, "Somebody isn't believing." I looked back; I said, "It's the man setting there with the gray suit on, and that bunch of people with him." And I said, "Keep your head down, sir."

And he said, "I don't have to."

I said, "You're a...?..." I said, "Father, don't hold this poor little innocent child guilty for that person. Satan, come out and you're at large." And twenty-eight people fell on the floor with epilepsy right there. That's true. See? It's not playing church, friends.

(This minister had taught his people wrong, and that had given access for that evil spirit to enter them – false teaching makes way for wrong spirits to enter)


381-3 {394}  

He said, "Well now, He will--He will come someday, and He will come to you first, and then you'll be judged." Said, "These people are your converts that you've led."

And I said, "You mean by being a leader, that I--that--that He will judge me?"

He said, "Yes."

And I said, "Does every leader have to be judged like that?"

Said, "Yes."

I said, "What about Paul?"

He said, "He will have to be judged with his."

"Well," I said, "if his group goes in, so will mine, 'cause I've preached exactly the same Word."

Notice – you go in with the group you are identified with on earth – your thoughts are influenced by the message of the angel that you were taught under, and that becomes the seed of what you become identified by.

**What did God do to save the Jews in the time if Esther – He used Esther, she became an angel of life to her group of people by the message that she had received from Mordecai.

**What did God do to pull a bride out of this evil age – he sent the Angel of Revelation 10:7 with a message to a group of end time people.

**When God wanted to save Lot out of Sodom – He sent two Angels with a message to call him out of Sodom.

**So the devil does exactly the same thing himself?

He has his angels on earth of who are people with great talent and influence with a first and second pull ministry of a public performance ministry in order to attract the crowds so that down the line he can then proclaim his message of death that follows after the attraction – and this is why we don’t want to be identified with any of those fallen angels and their groups – stay away from the influence of those things.


548     Notice, in this last days, Lucifer is doing the same thing. Can you see it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The devil doing the same thing, building up a hybrid church, a hybrid by hybrid members, hybrid by knowledge instead of the Word, by intellectual men instead of born-again men, building an intellectual kingdom that will outshine Christ's little bitty flock. See? What is it that did that? Fallen angels.

549   The Bible said it was fallen angels who listened to Lucifer instead of Christ, Who they once belonged to. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

550     Now listen close, "fallen angels." What kind of angels? Luther, Wesley, Catholic, Pentecostals, who kept not their first estate like the Angels did, and has fell into organization, like Lucifer's main hold at Nicaea. And what have they done? Organized a great ecumenical association of ministers, to make "an image unto the beast," as the Bible said. And building a Christian economy that'll close the doors of this church and others like it. See Lucifer at his work?

551   I'm trying to bring you the threefold revelation, or mystery of God.

552     What did they do? Sold out to reasonings of wisdom and education, like Eve did, fallen angels did. Wesley was a man of God; but what followed him? Fallen angels got into it. What was the angels, first? Creative beings of God, but fell for Lucifer's wisdom, fell for Lucifer--Lucifer's wisdom. And you see what they become? Fallen angels. And organizations, from men of God who has went forth to establish Truths in the earth; before that Truth could go on and proclamate and get on to the real revelation of Christ, fallen angels come in and took it over and made denominations out of it.

553   That's the reason the revelation of the Seven-Seal mystery had to be unfolded.

***What caused a third of the angels in heaven to fall out of fellowship with God and turn their allegiance to another leader? An angel that had already fallen – Lucifer. What causes people to go down the wrong pathways in life, fallen angels such as Taylor Swift and the thousands of others like her.

**So Brother Branham is showing us that what happened in Heaven is now happening on the earth, because Satan was cast out of Heaven, and so he is now doing on earth what he did in Heaven, he is using people of talent and influence on the earth, men and woman with charisma who know nothing of God, people who are full of intellectual reasoning that form groups around them – and so Satan and his fallen angels are using them to influence the masses away from any truth of the word of truth of which would bring a person into a true relationship with God.

*People are being identified under the ministries of these fallen angels.

The Taylor Swifties group will be identified under their angel messenger Taylor Swift. Many people of her group have already become souls in prisoned now while they are still alive on earth.

**She is just one of thousands of other fallen angel group leaders that will be gathered with their groups at the end, and none of these fallen angels have any qualifying attributes to be able to stand in the gap for people for the purpose of life because they have not been acquainted with the revelation of the revealed word for their day in order to influence their group of people in a Godward direction, and so they cannot deliver the people of what we read about of what Elihu spoke of – they have no words to of truth to teach the people the right way of the ways of God, and so the people under their ministries who have become sold out to their message become like the people of the concentration camp of Auschwitz – there bones begin to show through their skin, and they are being taken to a premature hell that has now been created on the earth.

**Hollywood was Satan’s first and second pull ministry that prepared the people for his message of death.

*Audio/Visual – in the old days of Satan’s influence of pop music through the power of the radio was like his first pull of how he started out to begin to attract the attention of the people of the entire world.

And then after that he began to introduce visual by the way of television which is both sound and visual combined. And now today we have all these music videos – in other words, visions connected along with the audio message – symbols and words and music all combined together is the most powerful combination possible – and the combination of these things would then go on to reveal the very mind and thoughts of Lucifer through this channel of words and music and video into the hearts and lives and into the subconscious realm of the masses until he would trick them into completely worshiping Him with all their hearts and with all their souls.


82-Q-11     11. Does the "sons of God" mean Angels or spirits from heaven?

That was the person's question. All right. I believe that they wasn't Angels. See, they were beings, sons of God, like the Scripture says. Not angels, they were sons of God. And they come from heaven to the earth, and was put into flesh, not pressed themselves into flesh. I believe all flesh is born sexual outside of Jesus Christ. I believe He's the only virgin-born Being that ever was: Jesus Christ. And I--I don't agree with Josephus on that, on the great historian. But I do believe that they were supernatural beings that come down and took over the spirit of men. And I believe they're right here yet today, still walking around in Jeffersonville today, them same beastly, lustfully, ungodly spirits, that live right in human beings. Now, someday these men will die; and if there's another generation, they'll come right down on them.

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