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End Time Message

Sun, May 19, 2024

Angels of Life

Duration:1 hr 27 mins 38 secs

Angels of Life



     1     ¶ And there came two angels to Sodom at even (Two angels at evening time (at judgement time), and their mission was to bring deliverance to Lot at a time of when judgment and death was about to be realized at a mass level – this is of course the foretelling of the world we live in today.); and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;

These “angels” looked just like ordinary men - Angels in the form of human beings. And we especially notice here the respect that Lot showed towards these two men.

GENESIS 19:15-16

     15     ¶ And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.

     16   And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand (notice how it called them angels in verse 15, and then in verse 16 it calls them men), and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters (Maybe that was why there had to be two angels – 2 hands each to pull out 4 people); the LORD being merciful unto him: and they brought him forth, and set him without the city. (The action of these angel men was the mercy of the LORD being shown to Lot and his wife and two daughters)

PSALM 78:43-49

     43   How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan:

     44   And had turned their rivers into blood; and their floods, that they could not drink.

     45   He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them.

     46   He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller, and their labour unto the locust. (The spirit of this same problem is with us to day in the cost of living crisis – no matter how hard some people work they just can’t seem to meet the basic cost of living)

     47   He destroyed their vines with hail, and their sycomore trees with frost.

     48   He gave up their cattle also to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts. (This is Egypt being judged at the time when an exodus prophet was on the scene – a type of this third exodus dispensation that we are living in now)

     49   He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath, and indignation, and trouble, by sending evil angels among them. (Notice “evil angels”, messengers of death – if there are messengers (angels) of death, then there are also messengers of life - “Angels of Life”.

**Pharoh was a man, but he became an angel of death to his own people because of what he did with the power of the position that he held. And then in contrast, Moses became a conduit of life when he stood in the gap for his people - an angel of life.

Angels of Life

We are continuing with our subject of “Standing in the Gap”, but we want to turn our attention a little bit to look at this topic from a slightly different angle of this subject of “Angels of Life”.

*I was trying to think of how to express some of these thoughts of what I was seeing with a greater clarity within this subject of “Standing in the Gap”, and so I was asking the Lord in my heart of how could we make these things even clearer because we have been looking at all these cases in the bible of how that people stood in the gap for others, and how also that this very thing of standing in the gap was placed as an experience in the prophet’s life himself directly after the opening of the seven seals.

*And how that even myself, I had a recent experience with an ex-message believer of whom I had found that I had a love in my heart for him that maybe a few years back would not have been there in the same way.

This man has even written articles against the message that are actually published on the “believe the sign” website – so under normal circumstances, this man would be considered enemy number 1 – but yet I felt a genuine love in my heart for him, and we were able to share together and it affected him and he felt loved and he wants to come back and visit again.

And so when we begin to understand this aspect of God’s mercy, and we begin to see how that God extends His mercy and life to people through those of whom He considers righteous, and that in effect life is being imparted through righteous people to many others of whom under normal circumstance may not even be considered worthy of mercy – yet because of one who was able to stand in the gap for them, God spared their life. They have in effect become an angel of life to that person.

*Christ Himself was the ultimate example of this in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us – Romans 5:8.

*** Christ stood in the gap for us who were worthy of death and imparted His life for the sake of the entirety of Adam’s fallen race when we were yet in a condition of unworthiness.

*So this is the pattern that is also expressed down through others all throughout the entire bible. Rahab stood in the gap. Esther stood in the gap. Jonah stood in the gap. Moses stood in the gap – on and on, it was the spirit of Christ being expressed.


117   There was a Scripture that always puzzled me, how that Moses could tell God a better idea than God had, till I found out that it was the Spirit of Christ in Moses. See?

**And it is on this very point where we found out that Brother Branham said that he had failed the Lord – in that this spirit of Christ of that feeling for the people to stand in the gap for others had temporarily left him because of the complex that he had gotten himself into because of the people that he loved seemingly rejecting his message.

And so God had to show him his future of how he would end up as a bum sleeping next to a smoldering rubbish dump if he carried on with his plans to run away from the ministry.

**Let us think seriously for a moment of what that would have spelt out for us who are now living in 2024.

**If he had carried out his plan of what he had actually made up his mind to do, then it is very likely that many of the sermons the we now have that were ministered since the opening of the seven seals like “Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed” and so many of the other key sermons that were preached after the opening of the seven seals (of what we now know of what opened up to us the entire mystery of the bible) – many of these sermons would have simply not been preached.


156     And Billy punched me on the shoulder, he said, "Daddy, look eastward!" And how it ever happened, I don't know, but there on the east side of the road was that burning dump. Miles and miles from any kind of a city, an old rubbish heap dump laying there on the left-hand side of the road.

157   I am returning to the field. Amen. Old or young, live or die, I'll obey God until death shall set me free (And death did set him free 2.5 years later at Christmas 1965). I have failed the Lord, not willing.

This was what Danny Henry’s prophecy in French was all about – Because thou hast chosen the harder way (I am going to paraphrase), in that you have chosen not to carry out your plan to leave the ministry and live 1100 miles away from civilization, but to continue in your calling as the prophet that I called you to be and that I will use your voice to speak all these sermons of my word through for the next 2.5 years – it will be these divinely revealed mystery truths contained in these messages that will bring the bride into a maturity and into the tremendous victory of the divine love of God in their hearts.


158     But, you see, even the great Saint Paul got between the straits one time. And many times that God has did things or let His servants do it, that was mistakes, in order to prove these things. Now, we know that human beings can make mistakes, but God can make no mistake. But now if I get into the field of preaching, and going the way I--I do, then I have to set up meetings ahead and--and get things lined up. And perhaps this is that great time coming that we been looking for. And surely if "This in itself is a tremendous thing that will bring to pass, and make come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine," and that's the verb before adverb, then it's Divine love, which is God. See? And it takes the love of God to dash out there on the front line and stand in the gap for the people.

***When we look at this, we realize that if he had carried out his plan to run away from the ministry at that time, then we can almost be certain that we wouldn’t be where we are today in the advancement of the revelation of the word.

In other words, if he hadn’t chosen to obey the will of the Lord, then it would have been very unlikely that there would have been a bride standing in the maturity of the truth in this end time hour – in plain language, we probably wouldn’t be here. And if we weren’t here, then how could we then stand in the gap for others


E-23   [Brother Neville continues to read: The Voice replied, "These are not Branham's; these are your--these are your converts, the ones you have led to the Lord. Some of these women you think are so young and beautiful were more than ninety years old when you led them to the Lord. No wonder they are crying out, 'My precious brother.'"

Then the multitude cried together, "If you hadn't gone forth with the Gospel, we wouldn't be here."

*Let me drop this in here – let’s fast forward two and a half years from when he made this “momentous decision” in mid-1963 to stay in the ministry and to follow the will of the Lord.

*The Lord promised him that his decision would bring about a huge portion of heaven for him as well as a great victory for the end time bride – but then when we fast forward to the end of Brother Branham’s life in December of 1965, and we see him spending his last 6 days on earth all smashed up from a car accident and suffering in pain in a hospital bed, and then to simply die at the end of that amidst the tens of thousands of prayers of the saints going up into heaven on his behalf – to the human mind it looks like a complete failure.

*But then we see how that John the Baptist had to suffered in a prison house before he went home to his reward in glory.

*Jesus also suffered before he went to His reward.

*Isaiah was sawn in half. Jeremiah was dragged off to Egypt against his will.

*During the dark ages, 68 million protestants died terrible deaths.

***Then we realize that their reward was on the other side.


135     Listen to this, if I can read it.

"I, Victor Le Doux, am a full-blooded Frenchman; born- again Christian, filled with the Holy Spirit. My address is 809 North King Road, Los Angeles 46. I attend the Bethel Temple, Pastor Arne Vick, pastor. A true translation that I proclaim, of prophecy said over Brother Branham, given by Danny Henry in French, February the 11th, 1961, at the Full Gospel Business Men's breakfast. A true translation of the prophecy."

136   Now, here is what It said.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path, the harder way, thou has walked in your own choosing.

Now, I can see that. Moses had to make his choice, too. See?

Thou hast picked the precise and correct way, correct decision, and it is My Way.

Underlined, "My Way," the Holy Spirit speaking back.

Because of this momentous decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits you... awaits thee.

What a glorious decision... (Now listen close.)

What a glorious decision thou has made. This in itself is that which will make, and come to pass, the tremendous victory in the love Divine.

**So it is very important that if we are to go on into a higher maturity of our understanding of these things, then we have to realize that scriptural prophecy is the dominant factor in people’s lives, and also very much in our own lives.

*In other words, it is impossible to stop scriptural prophecy of the word from coming to pass and being interpreted and fulfilled in people’s lives even when they are not even aware of it taking place in their lives.

**We are told that Hitler survived at least 42 plots and over 17 actual assassination attempts on his life and yet they all failed because of a bible prophecy concerning the death of a third of the Jewish race.

If one of those attempts had been successful on Hitler, then the scriptures would not have been fulfilled.

**So it can be no different with us concerning what the prophecy of the scriptures say of us being a part of those who are the believers of this end time message – and this is the realm of what we must realize that we have entered into, a supernatural realm of where the word of God can never fail but to come to pass.

ESTHER 4:15-16

     15   Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer,

     16   Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.

**What caused the tremendous victory for the chosen people of God in the time of Esther – it was when Esther had a change of heart and stood in the gap for her people - she was in effect able impart life to those people who were doomed to death.

*When Jonah stood in the gap and was thrown into the sea – he was in effect imparting life to the sailor on the ship by the sacrificial spirit of Christ that he was expressing by giving his life for the salvation of the lives of those gentile sailors. He had become an angel of life to them.

***So God uses ordinary people to become angels of life to others and to stand in the gap for others, and to impart life to others. You can trace this pattern all the way through the bible.

***The men that God chose as the head men for each of the seven church ages became angels of life to the people of their age by the message that God sent through them – they were referred to as angels.


     7     ¶ And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write;

HEBREWS 13:1-2

     1     ¶ Let brotherly love continue.

     2   Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

**So when we look at the reality of this idea of God sending angels in the form of human beings, and that these angels could in fact be just ordinary men - yet men with a message of life from God of who were then able to impart that life to others.

*We well know that the ministry of Malichi 4 and Revelation 10:7 was the ministry of an angel.

*And then there were the two men that were sent down to Sodom to pull Lot out of Sodom, they were angels also, and they represented two men in this end time age also – Billy Graham and Oral Roberts. These two men were angels that planted teaching seed.


44-3   All right. Now, there has been three different kinds of seeds planted: A denominational: Billy Graham; he was a head planter. Oral Roberts for the Pentecostal... Pentecostal seed's been planted. (I'm talking about organization now.) And then the Word's been planted.


361     You see, there was the church natural, the church natural, which was Lot and his group. They had a modern Billy Graham go down there, and--and so forth, and an Oral Roberts and them, calling them out.


127     … We see a Billy Graham down yonder, and Oral Roberts, and all them people out there; the Pentecostal messenger and the denominational messenger down there, we see all that going on, carrying out the sign. Billy Graham, a theologian to the dot, what the denomination believes in. Oral Roberts, a healer to the dot, just exactly what the Pentecost...

128   But looky here, there's something else promised to the Seed of Abraham. There they are down in amongst them denominations; there's something out of the denominations supposed to happen, gathering the people.

**There will likely be millions saved under Billy Gramham’s and Oral Roberts ministries of what will be saved within those groups of the church natural – but there is another group who is under another ministry of the revealing of the Son of Man.


     7   But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.


     17   And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

Brother Branham was a man that was mostly rejected by the religious world of his day, and by the time when the real purpose of his ministry came in 1963 of the word being fully opened and the bible becoming a new book to us, then his ministry and message was really rejected, and still continues to be rejected today.

To be continued - the Lord willing...


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