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End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 34 mins 58 secs

The Sign of the Dove Between the Two Worlds - Pt.3


JOHN 1:29-32

     29     ¶ The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. (Christ is a lamb, but he is also a lion, and he is also a dove, and he is also an eagle – because all these different natures of the animal kingdom was formed by God to reveal the nature of this one man)

     30   This is he of whom I said, After me cometh a man which is preferred before me: for he was before me. (John knew that this was God Himself in the form of a man)

     31   And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.

     32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

Jesus was the lamb of God, and yet it required the spirit of God descending from heaven like a dove in order to lead him in the ministry that was ordained for him. And in this day, the dove has come again to guide us into our portion of the word also because it is the rising of the SON light of a new day – and light is truth, and truth is the revelation of God that is revealed by God in your day.

JOHN 16:13

     13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth (the dove), is come, he will guide you into all truth: (Truth is the word of the mystery of God that he wants to make known for the season that you are living in, and so this dove is the spirit of the revealing of the word of what leads you into that truth for your day – how do you think you have come to believe the word for you day? – It has been the leadership of the dove)

LUKE 17:26-30

     26   And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

     27   They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. (They were all living and doing normal everyday life things, but they had no connection to the thoughts of God through a prophetic ministry concerning the judgment that was to come)

     28   Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

     29   But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

     30   Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

We have been witnesses to the revealing of the Son of Man prophetic ministry manifested in these last days, and so by the grace of God we are privy to the thoughts of God concerning this day.

The Sign of the Dove Between the Two Worlds - Pt.3

Last week we spoke about how God unfolded His great creation.

Day one was “Let there be light.”, then on day two more unfolded, and then day three was plants and trees (Botonny life), and fish life, and then bird life. The great eagles took to the sky’s along with all manner of different types of birds - migration birds, birds that live by the sea, birds that live in the forests and in the open areas, birds that live in the cold countries, and then on to animal life of the great king of the beasts, the lion, and then the lamb, and all that is in between, and then on the sixth day he created human life.

***And so when Adam finally came, he was all of the mysteries and the shadows of all the previous life of what God had created wrapped up into one being.

He was the tree planted by the water. He was the rainbow trout fish. He was king of the beasts like the lion, he was the lamb, he was the flying eagle.

He was everything gathered up, because it was the mystery of God being revealed in this one man called Adam.

Just like when the second Adam Jesus came - Joseph was a shadow, Abraham was a shadow, Moses was a shadow, all the prophets were shadows. They were all were expressing a part here and a part there, but when Jesus came, He was all of them gathered up, He was Moses, He was Joseph, He was David, He was Abraham, He was Isaac.

And it’s the same in these last days of when the Bride of Christ appears on the scene - She is Sarah, She is Rebekah, She is Abigale, She is Ruth, She is Esther, She is Rahab. She is everything gathered up into a bride body of Christ at the end of the age.

**Last week we spoke about how that the dove is a carrier of a message, and with Noah that message was to reveal the mystery of a revelation that was required in order to enable Noah and his group to go over into the new world, because if you are to go to a new world, then you will require a revelation of something that is greater than ordinary human wisdom.

This is why Elon Musk spends millions of dollars trying to gain a level of intelligence that is beyond ordinary human levels, because he knows that it is going to take a greater level of revelation in order to get to Mars – from this world to another world. And so he is investing in AI technology of a higher form of intelligence so that he can lead himself and his followers into a new world.

**And so for us to go over into the new world of the great millennium that is soon to come, it will require a message on the wings of a dove of a revelation from a higher intelligence that will give us leadership into that new world just the same as it did with Noah and his group.

*And so we know that this dove has returned in these last days, and it has return, not just with an anointing, but with a message that will lead a people over into the new earth of a great millennium age of a promised land of a promised world of a new civilization.

*And as it was in the days of Noah, because it was a group of people who stayed true to the ministry of Noah, they were the ones that went over into that new world, so that is the identification of the group in this last day also, of who will pass over the judgment and go over into the millennium in this day.

It was the group that stayed with the message of Noah then, and it will be the group that stay with the message of Branham now

**What we saw happen in Noah’s day is to repeat again in these last days of a one-man ministry that condemned the whole world but that saved Noah and his group of believers. It was the message of God that was sent to Noah that placed those who stayed with his ministry over into the new world.

**And so in this hour, Revelation 10:1 is the dove (Christ) coming down to Revelation 10:7 with a message that will transport the people of Revelation 10:8-11 over into a new world.

*In the days of Noah, God came down to Noah at a time that was between a world that was filled with violence, and the end of all flesh?

And in this day, God came down again after a world full of violence (WW 1, WW2) and the end of all flesh (WW3).

**And so between the second woe of WW2, and the third woe of WW3, God comes down like He did in Noah’s day with a message to His prophet Branham of how to leave this world and go over into a new world – as it was in Noah’s day, so it will be again in this day in the which those who stayed with Noah and his message, these same ones went over into the new world with Noah.

Revelation 9 is WW! and WW2. Revelation 11 is WW3. And so Revelation 10 is placed between WW2 and WW3, because Revelation 10 is God coming down to a prophetic ministry as it was in Noah’s day – the appearing of the Dove.


E-3   I'd go over to the crib and look in there; my baby gone. It would... Many times I--I couldn't even eat. Make myself a sandwich and set down there. So I would get in my car and drive over to the cemetery, stop my car and walk up along the road, set down there by the new-made mound, weeping, thinking just below there laid the most precious treasure of human flesh in the world to me. And God would send a beautiful turtledove. And it would set in the bush and coo to me as the sun was going down.

I'm looking for that to come again, not that one, but what it's symbolled, when my sun is setting in this life someday. How she would coo. Seems like the leaves would sing:

There's a land beyond the river,

We call the sweet forever,

We only reach that shore by faith's decree;

One by one we gain the portals,

There to dwell with the immortals,

Someday they'll ring those golden bells for you and me.

E-4   To watch out...?... the immortals first... How he would sing and walk back and forth on the limb consoling me, and I'd listen to the sweet music as he cooed to me into the setting of the sun.

**That was September 1956, and then 9 years later in September 1965 he sees that seventh dove, and he knows that it’s time to leave this world, because the dove has been sent by God to lead him over and into that new world of where he had visited once before beyond the curtain of time.

GENESIS 8:6-10

     6     ¶ And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:

     7   And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

     8   Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

     9   But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

(After 7 days the dove was released again by Noah, and at evening time it returned, and evening time is harvest time, and harvest time is the end of the world, and that is the time that we are living in now. And in this day we witnessed a prophet of God in the last few weeks of his life on earth tell us that that seventh dove was what he had been looking for his whole life, and when it finally came to him in the vision, then he knew that he was soon to cross over into the other world, and that all the suffering of his life would end, because that was a sign in his family of just before they crossed over.

And so for Brother Branham, when all the six’s had finally run out, on the afternoon of 24th of December 1965 at 4.49PM (Christmas Eve), he had crossed over into that new land.

He had the car accident on the 18th December and left this earth on the 24th December after 6 days of suffering in the hospital (because that was the final 6 that had to run out), and then his body was put in the grave on the 11th of April 1966. And it was this Dove that would continue to lead the bride in the absence of the prophet, because when John the Baptist saw the Dove descend, then he knew that it was time for his ministry to decrease, and the ministry of the Dove to increase)

     10   And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;

     11   And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

We want to look at a little deeper pattern of something of this last age here…

**We can see clearly by these scriptures, that it requires the return of the dove in order for you to go over into the new world. But you can’t go into the new world just by the return of the dove on its own, because we notice in this portion of scripture that the dove returned to Noah twice, and so it was not enough for the dove just to return, it had to return with a message in its mouth – a message of shalom, of peace from the new world. Eden means pleasure and delight, the garden of delights and pleasures, and that is the world that God first created of which the millennium with be the return of that again.

**So if we look for the type of this in this day, then we know that the dove of the Holy Spirit that returned to the church at the time of the Azusa Street Revival in 1906 did not have a message connected with that return.

**Because for a people to go into the new world, it would require a message to be in the mouth of the dove at evening time, and there was no message associated with that first return of the dove in Noah’s day.

*For Noah and his group of believers to be able to go into the new world, there had to be a message associated with the doves return – there had to be a sign in its mouth, and the mouth is where a voice comes out from, and so it could only be in the days of the Voice of the seventh angel of the revealing of the ministry of the Son of Man, and that is why Revelation 10 shows us the return of this dove with the message of shalom and peace from that new land sounding from its mouth, and also that there is a people that will receive that message.

**That is why the Holy Spirit anointing of what took place at Azusa Street will not equip and qualify a person for the rapture for this hour.

Unless that dove is packing a message with its return, a message of a new land, then there can be no leadership into that new land.

And so in this hour, it is the message of this hour that is the sign from above – and so what fell in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 1906 won’t work in this day to produce a rapturing faith for this hour.


324   The Word that fell on the Day of Pentecost will not work this day. No, sir. That was for Pentecost. This is for the Bride, going Home of the Bride. We got something different. The Pentecostals represented that, again. We're in the Bride age. No more than the--the Word of Noah would work in the days of Moses; no more than Moses' law would have worked in the time of Paul here. He tried to tell them, "You are dead to that, and you cannot have that."

**For you to go into the new earth in this hour, it will take the leadership of the Holy Spirit with the word in its mouth of the voice of the seventh angel – the dove of the word of the message. What was one of the last sermons that Brother Branham preached? – “Leadership” – you need someone to lead you.

If the world wants to go to Mars, then they will need the leadership of Elon Musk, but if you want to go into the millennium of the new Eden with God, then you will require the leadership of the dove with a message.


81     Now type the great Holy Spirit as we just read in Revelation 3:16; used of God for signs, this dove was.

82   Noah was given a sign, as the brother just sang about it.

   97   God used a dove for a sign. She come back saying that "the flood is over," and then God opened the door, and they went out. That's Genesis 8:8.

216     Dear God, I thank You for these things, Father. You give Noah the sign, You gave the world the sign, and You gave me a sign. And the next day, seeing that eagle flying, O God, there's a Message coming forth now, and I pray, God, that You'll let the Dove lead. Grant it, Lord. It's led me to a faith I never had before. I know, God, I know it's going to be all right; so I thank You for it, Father.

217   And, tonight, send down Your Message again, Lord, on the wings of the Dove of the Word.

All these things in the bible were written for this end time hour, because this is the real harvest time, and this is the real vintage harvest of where the real wine of the revelation of the word has come into existence - and the eternal life fruit of the revealed word by the descended dove has been shown to us as an evidence from that new world that we are soon to go to, and so this is the evidence and the experience that a people under an Exodus prophet must possess in this hour before we can go into the new world of the Millenium and build our houses and plant our vineyards.

ISAIAH 65:21-25

     21   And they shall build houses, and inhabit them (Where? - In the new world); and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. (Where? - In the new world)

     22   They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. (Where? - In the new world)

     23   They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them. (In the new world)

     24   And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

     25   The wolf and the lamb shall feed together (All the original natures of what they first were in Eden before the fall has come back to them again so that they can all live in peace like they first did in Eden – the wolf and the lamb will still look the same on the outside, but their inside nature has been changed back to what God had first created them with in Eden), and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

This is the world that we are being led to in this hour.

The dove that has brought to us the message of the spoken word of God for this day is leading us by that message into a rapturing faith of which no other age has been led into or known before, because it requires the dove and the prophet to come together, it requires Revelation 10:1 and Revelation 10:7 (Christ and the seventh angel ministry – the Dove and the prophet – and the Dove leading the prophet) to unite together in order to lead the people of Revelation 10:8-11 into a faith that they have never known before, because real faith is something that is revealed to you about you, it’s something that is personally revealed to you about you, and that’s what the secret is of what is laying in the message that has been sent to un in this day to produce in us a faith that we have never known before.

*It is very good to know who the prophet is for this generation and to be convinced of that, but that won’t personally give you rapturing faith until it has been revealed to you of who you are in relation to that prophet.

***You must come to a place in your faith that you fully realize that it is impossible for you as an individual to keep following the prophetic ministry that God has sent in this hour and not end up in the new earth, because that is what the bible has already shown of what will take place in this hour, because as it was then, so shall it be now, and heaven and earth will pass away but that word can never fail.

*So it is not that you are trusting in how good you are, but you are trusting in a promise of God concerning your position for this hour. You have a confidence that the word spoken of you in this hour cannot fail – it is impossible to fail.

That’s why the bible doesn’t say, “By faith Abraham and all his seed.” No - He said, “By faith Jacob,” not Esau; “By faith Isaac,” not Ishmael.

Because what was revealed to Isaac was not revealed to Ishmael, and what was revealed to Jacob was not revealed to Esau – because revelation is about who you are and the purpose that God has raised you up for in the hour that you are living.

***Faith for the event of the rapture is a revelation that is revealed to you about you – of how that you are a part of that event of the rapture in this hour – and that is the faith that will change your body from mortal to immortal.

Who do you think has led you into the truth of all these things already? – It’s been the 7th dove.

**It has been this great sign of the dove that has appeared to us between the two worlds.

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