Third Exodus Audio Sermons
End Time Message

Sun, Feb 16, 2025

Talking Animals

Duration:1 hr 30 mins 24 secs

Talking Animals


     1     ¶ Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. (We know that the serpent in his original form was a beast and not a reptile, and that he was changed by the curse of God from an upright beast that walked on two legs like a man, to a reptile that wriggled on its belly. But in his original form as a beast, he was the highest of the animal species next to man, and was ranked by the design of God in between a monkey and a human being, but much more like a human being) And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? (Notice here, an animal that could talk, a talking animal – human speech being used intelligently by a beast from the animal kingdom. And Satan used this animal speech that was given to that animal by God to cause the entire human race to fall into a cycle of trouble and death and broken fellowship with God – all because of a talking animal)


     7   But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.


Talking Animals


Talking animals are in the bible – the serpent was an animal that talked.

And then we are all familiar with the story in Numbers 22 of the talking donkey, of how Balaam and his ass were speaking together as you would with another human being. But because Balaam was so blinded by his lust for riches, he failed to recognize the fact that a donkey was talking to him – God was trying to get his attention by a talking animal, but he was too blinded by a Laodicean spirit of his desire for fame and riches, but God used an animal nature to protect him from death just like he used the animal anointing’s during the seven church ages to protect his children from spiritual death.

*And so if there are talking animals in the bible, then for certain God has something about this that we should maybe take a closer look at – and so we want to see if we can do a little bit of gold prospecting and find some golden nuggets that may be laying beneath this particular ground of the written word.


E-8 …I love the Old Testament. Don't you? I'm kind of a typologist. And I... The Old Testament is just--just full of nuggets buried down in there. And I like to go prospecting (Don't you?) and dig out those nuggets and polish them up. And you know what? You'll find every one of them pointing to Jesus Christ.

**When God first created man, He created man in His own image as a spirit, and so man was first created a spirit man before God ever placed him into a body of flesh – in other words, man was able to be fully conscious without having to have a body to live in. That is why when a person leaves their body, the first thing they realize is that they remain fully conscious, even after they are separated form their body.


47     The first man was in the image of God, which is Spirit. John 4, says, "God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." But God is a Spirit. And the first man, that He created, was spirit-man, and he was in the image and in the likeness of God.

48   And then He put this man in flesh, and man fell. So then God came down and become in the image of man, that He might redeem that fallen man. That's the real Gospel story, to my--to my opinion.

**When we try to think about who and what we truly are of what our consciousness really is, we know by the teaching of the bible and the message of this hour, that we are actually spiritual beings, and that our bodies are only the outside house of what our spirits are currently dwelling in.

And so the real us is not our human body, but the real us is our soul and human spirit of what contains all of our thoughts and motives.

*And so all of this is showing us something about the animal kingdom that God has created also. Because God would have to first create the spirit and nature of a certain type of animal before he could then place that spirit and nature into a physical body that would reflect that nature though the design, and shape, and characteristics of that animal body – in other words, the design of the body has to be able to reflect the spirit and nature of what God placed within it – the two have to be matched.

A lamb nature has to be place into a lamb body, a body that has no defense of its own. A body that can’t run away from danger very fast. A body that doesn’t have sharp teeth that can bit and defend itself. A body that has a pitiful and bleating voice. All of this is for the purpose of being able to reflect the spirit of a lamb that God placed within it – and all of that is a mystery of Christ on the cross with no defence.

**And so the way that God design each animal was for the purpose of reflecting the spiritual characteristics of the spiritual nature that He placed inside of each specie.

This is why God didn’t put a lion spirit into the heart of a cute little bunny rabbit. And on the contrary, you won’t find the nature and spirit of a rabbit that wants to run away from the slightest sign of danger dwelling in the body of a lion.

*And we also know that even within the same species there can be so many variations of characters within the very same animal group – and so it can all become very complex, but God is the author and designer of it all.

**And so there is a great mystery behind all of this wisdom, in that there is a reason that God had in His great mind by designing both the spiritual and physical characteristic of each species in order for them to be able to reveal to us their natures – and this was because each specie contain a part and a portion of the great mystery of something greater that was to come, of the greatest specie of His creation that would trump everything else of which was a man in the image of God.

*And so God first began to show this great masterpiece of a human being of a man in this own image of what He had had in His great mind all along, He began to show it in mystery form in the animal kingdom – and He began to let out that mystery little by little as He unfolded His great creation.

And this is why it is good to study nature, because nature reveals both the nature of God and also the nature of man.


E-4   ... I have two Bibles. One of them is nature. I watch that closely, for God lives in His Bible of nature.

**The bible is full of places that show us how that the nature of certain animals in the animal kingdom reflect the different natures of man.

Jesus called Herod the “old fox”.

John the Baptist called the religious leaders of that day “snakes in the grass”.

Then there is the nature of the Lamb, and also the nature of the Lion, and then comes the Eagle, and the Dove, and the Ox, and the ass – and all of them reflect a portion of the great character of the one great God.

**And so this is the mystery behind all of this - is that God has expressed all these variations and complexities of animals natures in order to reveal the greatness and the complexity of the nature of man.

*Like the classic story of “The Wind in the Willows” by the British author Kenneth Grahame.

In “The Wind in the Willows”, Kenneth portrays the characteristics and natures of different types of human beings by paralleling them with certain characteristics and natures of animals found in the animal kingdom – this is so plain that even the world picks this idea up and writes stories about it.

*You have characters such as Toad of Toad Hall who represents a proud Englishman of high society and wealth, and then there is Ratty, a good natured and caring down to earth loyal friend with a good heart and a head for good sense. And then there is Mole who also has a good heart but has some baggage and also comes with a higher level of emotional needs, and then there is Badger, the no nonsense militant, and then there are the weasels and stoats – and so all of these animal characters are each portraying a certain parallel human equivalent nature both good and bad.

***This is why that when Adam came, God had already showed the mystery of the nature of man in the animal kingdom.

*As we have said, when God was creating the animal kingdom, He was slowly letting out the mystery of Adam, because Adam was all of the shadows of all the previous life of what God had created wrapped up in one being.

*He was the tree planted by the water. He was the rainbow trout fish. He was King of the beasts like the lion, he was the lamb, he was the Ox, he was the flying eagle of the bird life. Adam was everything of all those natures gathered up, because it was the mystery of God being revealed in this one man – Adam.

**God had first written the nature of this one great man Adam in the animal kingdom – and so the animal kingdom had already spoken out the mystery of the nature of man, and man was in the image and in the refection of the nature of God. When you looked at Adam, he revealed God – it was the mighty God unveiled before us right back in Genesis.

**So all of the animals were speaking out this great mystery of God by the voice and language of their natures of showing this great one that was to come, they were like the prophets speaking out the writen bible, and so they were in effect “Talking Animals”, because the bible was written by God in nature – and the animal kingdom was speaking out the bible of what God was writing.

***Just like when the second Adam Jesus came - Joseph was a shadow, Abraham was a shadow, Moses was a shadow, all the prophets were shadows. They were all were expressing a part here and a part there, but when Jesus came, He was all of them gathered up, He was Moses, He was Joseph, He was David, He was Abraham, He was Isaac.

And it’s the same in these last days of when the Bride of Christ appears on the scene - She is Sarah, She is Rebekah, She is Abigale, She is Ruth, She is Esther, She is Rahab. She is everything gathered up into a bride body of Christ at the end of the age – but God was writing of it first in mystery form in the lives and characters of certain people of the written bible.

***That is why that when you look in the bible, you don’t see the name “BRANHAM” written anywhere, but what you do see is a mystery of Elijah, a mystery of Moses, a mystery of Joshua, a mystery of Jesus, a mystery of Paul – and so a portion of the nature of those men were on the inside of the seventh angel and was being lived out again in this generation.


E-3   It's been one of the most amazing things that I have noticed a long the lines of my ministry for our Lord Jesus, is the peculiarity of people. And the study of human life is one of the greatest things that--that a person can study: to watch nature of people. And the different parts of the nations and worlds to where you go, you'll notice that there's a different--there's a different attitude that people take towards Christ, towards His service, and towards His servants, towards worship. And one of the things has been, that one type of meeting will just be wonderful in one part of the country, where it won't work in the other part of the country.

Now, I believe, mostly to blame for that... Or not to blame, but mostly is the way the people are taught. And the church will never live higher than its pastor teaches. You seldom find that. If you got a good, sound, sane, Gospel teacher, you'll usually find that type of church. And it's just where your pastor leads you, the--the pastors that you feed on.

The study of human nature is one of the most fascinating topics because it is so diverse and complex and covers such a vast scope.

Thornton W. Burgess (1874-1965) was very gifted at showing the different types of the nature of people and matching them to the natures of animals.

During his lifetime he wrote literally hundreds of animal stories for children and young people beginning with his 1910 publication of Old Mother West Wind.

Some of his well-loved characters included Ready Fox, Jimmy Skunk, Buster Bear, Bobby Coon, Chatterer the Red Squirrel, Blacky the Crow, Old Mister Toad, Jerry Muskrat, Prickly Porky, Danny Meadow Mouse, Grandfather Frog, Bowser the Hound, Mrs. Quake, Old Mr. Buzzard, and Unc' Billy Possum, and so on – and he was able to use all these different animal natures and paralleled them with the nature of different human beings. And in his stories, each character talked and acted in a way that represented a different facet of human nature.

PSALM 19:1-3

     1     ¶ To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

     2   Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

     3   There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

He is speaking of the stars and speaking a language of which voice is heard over the entire earth.


     3   And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

**Precious stones speak of God, they all reveals certain aspects of His great nature.

Gold speaks of God

Water speaks of God

Rocks speak of God

The animals speak, they talk, the lion talks, the lamb talks, the Ox talks, the eagle talks, the dove talks, they all talk of something about the great creator who created them.



To be continued - the Lord willing...


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