Third Exodus Audio Sermons
End Time Message

Duration:1 hr 35 mins 58 secs

The Sign of the Dove Between the Two Worlds - Pt.2

Genesis 8:11

     11   And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off (A message of peace at the evening time – showing us in type for this day a sign from above of a future millennial age of a 1000 years of peace after this earth has been cleaned off by fire): so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

Notice how that this sign from the dove conveyed a knowledge to Noah about the new world that he was going to – it was a sign that he was about to enter into that new world.

*So this dove came down in the beginning of the Bible with Noah, and then in the middle of the Bible with Jesus, and then also at the end of the Bible with Brother Branham, because Brother Branham is also a prophet sent to the whole world like Noah was. And so if Noah and his group saw the two worlds and saw the sign of the dove between the two worlds, then Branham and his group will also see the same.

LUKE 17:26

     26   And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

What was it in the days of Noah, there was a people under a prophetic ministry at the end time (harvest time) of when a world had rejected a prophet sent by God with a message of mercy and judgement.


     7   By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house (There was a preparation period); by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.

It was Noah’s faith in a revelation that God had given him for that hour that motivated him and caused him to act in the way that he did. What causes us to act in the way that we do in this hour? – It’s because of the revelation that we have received.

PSALM 55:6

     6   And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.

The Sign of the Dove Between the Two Worlds - Pt.2

*I am interested in going to another world. The older you get, the more you become aware of the reality of that.

We are on a transition from one world to another world like the disciples of Jesus crossing from one side of the sea to the other – when the storm came they questioned his care for them. They were between to portions of land on a boat, just as Noah and his group had been also.

Every time God unfolds more truth, it opens up a greater and clearer revelation of the same great mystery of God, like the pixels of a digital picture becoming clearer – or more jigsaw puzzle pieces being added.

*It’s like how God unfolded and brought about the creation. Day one was “Let there be light.”, then on day two more unfolds, and then day three was botany life, then marine life, and bird life, and on and on to animal life and then human life on day six – in other words, the revelation of God always unfolds greater and greater, it’s the same picture becoming clearer.

*Brother Branham talks about how that you are a rainbow trout. And the scriptures talk about how that you are a man planted by the rivers of water bringing forth your fruit in its season.

But the tree which is botany life doesn’t reveal anything about the rainbow trout of marine life. We are also called the sheep of His pasture, but marine life doesn’t reveal anything about sheep life.

**Try to catch the point here - because Abraham revealed part of the mystery, but he didn’t reveal the part that Isaac revealed. And Isaac revealed a part of the mystery, but he didn’t reveal the part that Joseph revealed, and Joseph revealed a part of the mystery, but he didn’t reveal the part that Salmon and Boaz revealed, or what Ruth revealed.

**Each character of the bible revealed a different part just the same as the rainbow trout reveals a different part to that of the lamb, and the lamb reveals a different part to that of a tree planted by the water, and so this dove that we are speaking of is also revealing to us a part that nothing else can reveal to us.

Some interesting dove facts –

*Doves are very loyal to their mate - they mate for life.

*They have an incredible ability to find their way home - In the late 1800s, the most heroic recorded flight was from a pigeon released in Africa that took 55 days to get home to England travelling over a staggering 11,000 kilometers.

*Doves have been used as messenger birds for thousands of years, particularly during times of war.

*In WW1, pigeons played a vital role of which around a 100,000 played a part and had an amazing 95% success rate in delivering their messages. There great strength was not only their homing instinct but also their speed.

*Pigeons can fly at altitudes of up to around 6000 feet at an average speed of around 60 miles per hour and faster. The fastest recorded speed for a pigeon is 92.5 miles per hour. Their speed makes it nearly impossible for enemy marksmen to shoot them down.

**So the dove is a carrier of a message, and with Noah that message was to reveal a mystery of a leadership that was required in order to lead Noah into a new world. And so that same leadership and message of the dove has to return again in these last day in order to lead a people of these last days over into the new earth of a great millennium age – because as it was in the days of Noah, of how a dove lead a prophet over into a new world of peace, so there must also be the appearing of a dove in the last days that will also lead a prophet and his group of believers over into a new world of peace also.

**So we know how that this dove came to Noah, and so in this day, Revelation 10:1 is the dove coming down (which is Christ), and Revelation 10:7 is the prophet angel messenger like Noah, with a message of an ark that will transport a people into a new world, because the ark was the message that Noah received from God, and the ark was Christ, and in this day, Christ is the seals that opened to us the entire mystery of the entire bible.

**So this is the language of the bible that we have to learn, and as you begin to learn the language of God, then all these things become clear, because each part of the word is revealing a greater clarity of the same great mystery of redemption.

GENESIS 6:10-14

     10   And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

     11     ¶ The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

     12   And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

     13     ¶ And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

     14   Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

Notice carefully here how that God came down between a world that was filled with violence, and the end of all flesh? World War 1, World War 2, (Woe, Woe), a world filled with violence – war is organized violence. But right at that time between the second woe of WW2, and the third woe of WW3 of which is the end of all flesh, God opened up a revelation to His prophet Noah of how to leave this world and go over into a new world.

*And so as it was in the days of Noah, so it has been repeated again in this day, in that there has been a way revealed to us of how to leave this world and how to go into the other world – it is by the way of the revelation of the rapture – and the true bride is watching and waiting for that revelation, because rapturing faith is the faith that this dove is to reveal to us by the message that it carries, and this rapturing faith is a faith that no other church age has ever known before, and it’s laying in the message, but it will take the dove to lead us into that faith by that message, and that dove is here now, and that is what we are being led by right now.

Everyone seems to want to go to live on another world. Elon Musk wants to go and live on Mars. Young people and also many older people want to live on-line in some sort of computer simulated world. Everybody is feeling the need to leave this world behind. They all want to leave their world of struggle. Financial struggles, relationship struggles, health struggles – everything in this world seems like a struggle, and so we all want to go to a world where all these struggles don’t exsist.


     11     ¶ In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

There was a literal day of what Noah had preached during the many years of his prophecy of pending judgement, it was now becoming history.

And we are also seeing the things come to pass of what a prophet spoke of for this day.

Excerpt from the book “Acts of the Prophets” – by Perry Green

How the word "eagle" got on that rock nobody knows, but there, written into the side of the rock at about the height of the prophet's heart as he leaned against the rock, is the word "eagle." The next day he returned to photograph the rock. He took a total of eighteen pictures that day. They were developed shortly after this, but no one knew of the experiences in full until he preached “On The Wings Of A Snow White Dove.” Of course, after this sermon, it meant a lot to everyone, because there was never a service where the presence of the Lord was felt any more than that night in Shreveport.

**So we are speaking of a revelation that will open to us an access into a new world. And so according to 1st Thessalonians 4:16, there must first be a shout of which we know was a message sounding forth to gather an end time bride together.

And then that shout that gathers an end time elected people is followed by a voice of which is the voice of the resurrection in the living bride, and is also of what raises up the sleeping gentile saints of 7 church ages.

And then the final stage of the rapture cycle is the trump – and this trumpet part is the literal catching away of the complete gentile bride of 2000 years – it is the full release of the rapturing faith part.

And so these events of the shout and the voice and the trump are literal events that will be lived out by a literal people on earth – this is the real secret of how to leave this world and go into a better world.

GENESIS 8:6-10

     6     ¶ And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:

     7   And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

     8   Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

     9   But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

     10   And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;

     11   And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

**After 7 days the dove was released by Noah again, and at evening time it returned, and evening time is harvest time, and harvest time is the end of the world, and that is the time that we are living in now, and in this day we see a prophet of God in the last few weeks of his life on earth tell us that that seventh dove was what he had been looking for his whole life, and when it finally came to him in the vision, he knew that he was soon to cross over into another land, and that all the suffering of his life would end (you can hear him tell that in his message on the wings of a snow white dove), and so when he saw that seventh dove, then he knew that his time of suffering on earth was soon to be over because that was a sign in his family of just before they crossed over. And for Brother Branham, when all the six’s had finally run out, on the afternoon of 24th of December 1965 at 4.49PM (Christmas Eve), he had crossed over into that new land. He had the car accident on the 18th December and left this earth 24th December (after 6 days of suffering in the hospital), and then his body was put in the grave of the 11th of April 1966.

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