Third Exodus Audio Sermons
End Time Message

Sun, Dec 08, 2024

The War For Worship Pt.3

Duration:1 hr 28 mins 47 secs

The War for Worship Pt.3


ISAIAH 14:12-15

     12   How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! (Lucifer means “light bearer” or shining one”, the “morning star” – But yet we know that Christ is the true bright and morning star, Christ is the true light of the world, and so Lucifer’s very name explains why He has been so successful at being an imposter and a fake against the real, it’s because that his original job was that of a great preacher and orator, he was gifted in the beginning by God to be able to shine and to impart the knowledge of truth to others) how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! (You weaken a nation by bringing confusion and misunderstanding among the people by getting them divided over politics and fake news, and this is the same principle that divides a married couple and a family. Satan divided the first family in Eden by telling one family member (Eve) a lie about another family member (God) –it’s called “divide and conquer” and Satan is very experienced at this, and so we all have to be on our guard to not allow this among us)

     13   For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: (All this was the result of this thing called pride that rose up from within his heart – this was the beginning of all the evil that we see in the world today, this is why we must be very careful to guard our hearts against being proud)

     14   I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (The 5 “I wills” - Satan knew about the power of a positive confession)

     15   Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.



     3     ¶ Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (Man is the most powerful means of what is able to cause the greatest deception among people. It’s not the animal kingdom that persuades people into believing fake news, fake news is generated from out of the kingdom of man by preachers and politicians and great orators and influences that have the ability to reason and persuade and change the thoughts of others from believing truth to believing lies – look at how Darwinism has tried to explain away the creator of the creation, and for the most part he has succeeded)

     4   Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.


The War for Worship Pt.3


On Wednesday night we spent a little time to show how that Eve was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was in the Garden of Eden along with the serpent. Brother Branham comments to that in the message Satan’s Eden, because the original tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which was the serpent had begotten another tree like itself in the woman, a convert as it were – This tree of the knowledge of good and evil had replicated itself in the form of the woman, and that was how Adam received the teaching of the serpent, by the voice of his wife, and the woman represents the church, and that is why that every person that is birth by a woman dies.


E-11 …Now, I believe that the Angel guarded the Tree of Life. And that Tree of Life was Christ, of course. The tree of death was the woman. Through birth of a woman we all die. Through birth of Christ we all live. It's just as simple as anything.


239-179   The tree in the life--the middle of the garden, in the midst of the tree... The tree was the woman. Now, I'll prove that to you by the Scriptures if you'd just be patiently a few minutes.


125   God said, "There is a tree in the midst of the garden, the woman.


II THESSALONIANS 2:3-4 Opening scripture…

     3     ¶ Let no man deceive you by any means (Men are like trees that produce fruit – and your fruit is what you teach to others, and so a man can be either a tree of life by the word of God dwelling in him, or he can be a mixed tree of the knowledge of good and evil of the same type of tree that was in the Garden of Eden): for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first (a falling away from truth and into lies by the persuasion and the deception of man – we would have to all agree that the world has arrived at this condition), and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

     4   Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped (He has exalted himself into a position that is above anything else that is worshiped in the world – in other words, he is worship as if he is God Himself); so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.



     8   And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

From one woman in Eden that was reasoned into disbelieving the word of God, into the entire world at the end time being deceived by the same power of reasoning against the word of God.

**So then in this light we must acknowledge the fact that from Eden right up to this present time now, that Satan has had great success in achieving what he set out to do in his war against God for worship – he has in effect stolen God’s rightful position.

*Deception in any form (especially in the form of religious deception) is such a destructive and devastating thing, that it can bring complete ruination to an individual right through to an entire nation.

*It was deception in Eden against a solitary and innocent woman that broke up the sweet fellowship of a beautiful family of whom God Himself was their father.

*This single incident of deception in Eden went on to cause all the death and sorrow and suffering that has been in the world ever since that time.

**And the other thing about deception, is that it directs a way for Satan to receive worshiped from people of whom are sincerely thinking that they are worshiping the true God, and this is because that Satan has actually place himself in the position as if he is God himself, and the people don’t know that it is Satan that has exalted himself into that position in this last age, and that he has literally become the “God of the Evil Age”, and that they are now worshiping Him without even knowing that they are worshiping Him because most people don’t even know what worship really looks like – worship is an admiration and a respect that comes from the heart.


27     … "The son of perdition," the devil. Then, people worshiping Satan in this day, thinking they're worshiping God. But they're worshiping him through a creed, a man-made denominations and creeds that's brought the people right down to the greatest deception that the world has ever knowed of.

We spoke in the first service on this subject that it would seem like such a paradox that this could actually be, but even Jesus tells us the same truth in -

MATTHEW 15:8-9

     8   This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.

     9   But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

The teachings of the doctrines of man cannot reveal the true nature of God to a person, and so God won’t receive worship for something of a nature that He is not, but Satan can and does. Satan will let the people think that he is great when he is nothing but a lowdown murdering deceiver.

*In this last age, all of Satan’s fantasies of being worshiped have been completely realized. He has been very successful in showing himself that he is God of this age (the object of the worship of the people) to the point that he has deceived the entire world into worshiping him.

There is no doubt that he has become a “god” in this last age, because he is being worshiped by the entire world – so it would appear to all the world and to all the fallen angels that followed him, that he is the final victor of this war of worship against the true God.



65     Now, he said he would exalt himself above the most High; he would ascend above the clouds and the stars, and he would sit there like God, and be above the most High. And he has succeeded in carrying out his threats. He has certainly had a marvelous success in carrying out his threats, by the people letting him explain away, in every age, the value of God's promised Word to that age. That's exactly how he's done it. In every age, he explained It away.

(He was very successful in Eden to explain it away to Eve. Eve thought that he was the best thing that ever happened to her life – and so he certainly won that round with great success. No doubt that all the fallen angels cheered him, and truly thought that their great leader Lucifer had had the upper hand over God.

Then when Christ came, Lucifer persuaded his very own people (the Jews) out of receiving Jesus to the point that they even murdered Him, their very own promised messiah – no doubt there were more cheers and praise in hell given toward Lucifer for his great success in seemingly winning that war also, oh how they surely rejoiced and thought that their leader Lucifer was so great. He then went on to have more success for seven church ages by killing 68 million Protestants – it looks like he is certainly the winner.

****And this is why in your own life; there will be times where it will appear that the devil has had great successes against you. He’ll put sickness on you. He’ll rob you of your joy. There will be an untimely death in the family. There will be times of dryness and struggle and relationship stains and weaknesses and temptations that you will fail with – on and on, and so it looks like that he has had great success by all the “wins” that he has had along the journey of your life, because this is also the pattern of what it looks like from Genesis with him wining against Eve in Eden, to the very end of the world in Revelation of when he would have the whole world worshiping him (8 Billion people), while the true God of creation has been kicked out of his own church and is outside the door knocking without being let back in – Oh what a great laugh that Satan and all his angels are having over this. The Prophet of God to this generation told us that he has had great success in carried out His threats. (He has certainly had a marvelous success in carrying out his threats, by the people letting him explain away, in every age,)

This is why that we who are members of the end time bride know that we are not to listen to any reasoning that is against the word of God – because we know that Lucifer is so very good at “explaining away” things to people)

66     In the days of Noah, he explained that it was impossible for it to rain from heaven, for, "there is no rain up there." His great scientific gospel that he preached in the garden of Eden! He could shoot the instruments to the moon and prove there's no moisture up there. But God said there would come a rain. But Satan succeeded, and poisoned the mind of the people, by scientific research, that, "it could not be done." But it was done. God said it would be done, and it was done. He did.

67     Now, in the days of--of Jesus, he did the same thing. He poisoned their minds again by deceit, see, misinterpreting the Word. "If Thou be the Son of God, now let me see You do something about it."

(So if we had to declare a winner in this war of worship, then we would in all fairness have to give that winning place to Lucifer – but there is one group of people that he will never win the war of worship against, and that is the elect of God of whom God has placed His name in them. They have received another teaching of a seed of information and revelation within them that the gates of hell will not prevail against because they know of where this place of God’s only provided place of worship is, and that is where He has placed His name, and His name is in the word manifested for their age, and that manifestation is in a people that are called the elected of God – God is interpreting His word in and through their lives)

68   Jesus didn't clown for him. He never did. God is not a clown. He don't have to answer anything that Satan asks. He only had... Jesus said, "It is written, 'Thou shalt not live... Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'" See, He didn't have to clown, from him. He didn't have to make bread. He could have done it, but He'd a-been listening to the devil, so He didn't have to listen to the devil. (And this is why we don’t have to listen to the devil either)

69     And again it is religious sin, as at the beginning, so deceitful. Watch it now. It's not just purely old everyday sin, committing adultery and getting drunk, and using God's Name in vain. That's not it. No.

**We know that it was and is still a religious deception – a deception of faith verses doubt in the word of God – of the word verse the human reasoning of a man’s mind. That has always been the problem ever since Eden of when Eve first put her own human reasoning up against the word of God, and right up to this age, the same problem exists – thinking that somehow our puny little human brains can reason greater and think greater than the mind and the eternal all-knowing thoughts of an eternal God.


Picking up from last week…


48     Now, the pla-... The thing I want to speak about this morning is that God has only one place that the worshipper can meet God, only one place. Through the ages many has sought for this secret place of God, through all the ages. Even Job wanted to know where He lived at, "If I could only go to His house and knock at His door." Job wanted to find God's dwelling place, 'cause there God and His family is worshipped together.

206   God did not put His name then in Babylon. Closely now. He cannot put His Name in Babylon, the churches. Oh, they, they put His Name in there, but He never. No.

*The other week we spoke a little about how the name of a person is really to do with the manifestation of their life.

**When you think of a famous person’s name, you don’t see the letters of their name spelt out in your mind’s eye, you think of the life they lived and the deeds of their life – in other words, what they manifested in their life is synonymous with their name. And God’s only provided place of worship is where he has placed His name, and so His name is place in the part of the word that he is bringing to pass for the day that you live in.

***Just as Satan’s life was placed in Eve by the lie he told her and she became the tree of the same knowledge of what the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had given her to eat, God’s life is place in us by us receiving the truth of His word for the season we live in. It doesn’t come by the experience of an emotion even though emotion is ok, but it comes receiving the seed of the revealed word for your day by the spirit of God.



214     And the Name is in the Word because He is the Word. Amen! What is He then? The Word interpreted is the manifestation of the Name of God.

***God has interpreted his word into a manifestation in this hour by raising up a people that have received the revelation of truth that He has sent through the ministry of Malichi 4, and so this is the place of where God has chosen to place His name (in the manifestation of His word for this day), not in a denomination, they have put His name in their church, but not God, He has placed His name in the hearts of an elected group of people by the revealing of His word to them for the age in which they live.

*So then it is this revealed truth that is the opposite and the repellent to deception, because the fruit from the tree of life Himself has no mixture of deception in it – but the information and reasoning received from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is mixed with both truth and error.


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