Third Exodus PDF Sermons
End Time Message

The Juniper Tree

by  Dean Gilchrist  NZ

After Jezebel and her remaining prophets rejected Elijah’s Mount Carmel showdown display of God’s power as the true God of Israel, we find Elijah running from Jezebels threat to kill him, finally he ends up in a very depressed state under a Juniper tree out in the wilderness asking God to let him die.

Brother Branham speaks much on this subject - “Watch after your Mount Carmels, you're going to have a juniper tree. Whenever a man has a blessing, and the power of God pours down and does something for you, look out, Satans on the track… There he laid under the juniper tree. He didn't know what to do. His nerves was broke; he was shaking. He was crying no doubt. And he was in a terrible condition. Many of us hit those places, especially after a Mount Carmel experience. It was ask of me the other day by someone about that. And how that... What would we... What can we be done... What can be done for us at the time? There's only thing to do: commit yourself to God.”

God is more concerned for our character than he is in our comfort, therefore we are sailing though treacherous and dangerous seas as a part of God’s end time program for our maturity. Yet be certain of this, that God is in total control of everything that is going on, he is working everything out for our good.

It is in times of these Juniper tree experiences that we especially need to commit ourselves to God and trust in his mercies to see us through.

This present world with its Jezebel religions and false denominational prophets have rejected one of the greatest displays of Gods power and vindication through an Elijah ministry at this end time. This modern Jezebel with all of her paint and dainties is breathing threatenings to wipe out the bride of Christ and end our spiritual lives and walk with God, that is why under this end time threat some of us may feel like we are in some desert place under a juniper tree with barely any strength left to carry on.

Brother Branham says - “God has to do something for every man that comes under the juniper tree, or he'll go to pieces. He has to do it”.

It looked like the Elijah’s ministry had ended at the Juniper tree, he had no strength of his own left, his nerves were shattered, and he wanted to die.

To those of us who are currently going through a juniper tree experience, I would like to encourage you that the story didn’t end there for Elijah, and God will not let it end there for you either. God has sent his Angel to feed and care for you. I KINGS 19:7-8 And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee. 8 And he arose, and did eat and drink, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God.

Let us arise once more and eat the food that the 7th Angel has prepared for us in this hour, and commit ourselves to God with a fresh zeal, HE will feed us and strengthen us and sustain us for the journey that is remaining.

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